2 Weeks Post RNY Today

Feb 29, 2012

THE BEGINNING (Start Weight/Surgery Weight are the same at 225 Lbs)
WOw, so I did it.  16 days ago I took my Dr's advice and looked iinto an immediate RNY.  Immediate because at 225 lbs and 5'5" my blood pressure was +220/118 (again) I was rapidly near diabetes, my cholestorl was through the rough and my pain levels for me knee, back and hip were rendering me useless.  Being in Canada we have LONG waitlists so my Dr and I looked into private options.  Canada still had about a 7 month waitlist for surgery for about $13,000-$15,000, the US had a 2 week ish waitlist for private surgery but with a pricetag of $17,000-$25,000 and Mexico who could have it done in days for substantially less.  This was Monday Feb 13.  I was Booked for surgery 2 days later on Feb 15 in Mexico. OMG!

THE FIRST WEEK (Weight 209 Lbs - down 16 since surgery)
The surgery itself went fine, the clinic was good.  My biggest complaint was lack of adequate pain control (try non) and I was glad when I was cleared to come home.  Recouperation has been good.  Dave stayed home the first week (work would not permit him to accompany me) and really helped make sure I stayed put to heal (so not like me)  I had wicked desires (not cravings just the thought that yeah I want pizza or mmmm KFC but no ACTUAL craving) the first week but those are long gone.  The only thing I crave now is fluid.  I am used to sipping every few minutes and hopefully that will be a lifetime change. I haven't felt hunger at all but I DO miss chewing.  Fluids aren't fun.  At the end of Week 1 I am down 16 lbs to 209. 

THE SECOND WEEK (Weight 202 lbs - down 23 since surgery)
Had my stitches out on day 12 and then that night my Dr found out my Surgeon didnt use any subqutaneous stitches along and up the 4 main lap holes as he closed.  We know this cuz the biggest one ripped wide open from the inside last night and eventually pulled apart the newly healed seam of skin at the surface.  Now I have a 2 inch long gaping wide hole that is about an inch deep that we can't stitch closed due to introduction of bacteria.  He has it pulled together (not tight) with steri strips and light guaze over it and now we just have to wait for it to heal on its own which will be slow.  He is afraid that the other 3 sites could open as well tho so now I am back on chair rest. Other than that, I am healing fine, have almost no pain and as of today (my 2 week mark) I am down 23 Lbs and Weigh 202Lbs.  My lowest weight as an adult (since 20) has been 193 so I'm a bit scared and nervous at how rapidly its approaching.  I mean I am already down over 10% of my body weight! To think I might hit a weight I haven't seen in 20 years blows my mind.


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 13, 2012
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