
Nov 06, 2011

Ok so the last post I made was in May, It is now November and my journey has been anything but fun. Surgery was July 11th everything went well, I spent my two days in the Hospital and went home. Aug 27th my 3rd Anniversary my hubby planned a wonderful get away for the night and Dinner. However, our wonderful night did not happen. Instead I ended up in the ER for 9 hours. Kidney Stones.....never had them before but now I do... Had a CT scan and my regular Dr. reviewed them on the following monday, guess what she finds? A cyst on my Left ovary.. Really????? at this point Im wondering was it all worth it? So I go to my Gynecologist for an exam and yep a dermoid cyst the size of an orange. Gotta come out he says. Seriously.....another surgery? Scheduled for Oct 17th. but this nightmare dont end there. Sept 28th back into the ER I go, same pain as the kidney stone I had back in Aug. they send me home. for 3 days I have 4 spells of this unbearable pain. I make an appt with the urologist because something has to be done. He says" not a kidney stone" but has no clue what it was. WOW!!! So surgery on Oct 17th went well but was cut open on an old c-section scar. A week and a half later I went in to have the 28 staples removed. What a relief that was. 3 days later I went outside and sat down on the porch steps and felt a RIP....yep just my luck, ripped the incision back open. so Tuesday I went back to the Dr and he says dont want to staple ot stitch it because you run a greater risk of infection. so they taught me how to pack the hole and they say it will take a few weeks to heal.

So.....that is a compilation of almost everything that has been going on. I find I dont like burger, chicken, turkey, tuna, pork, steak, just about everything I eat gives me a stomach ache, including drinks. Something somewhere is not right but who knows. So if anyone reads this have you had any problems or know what may be wrong? 

I have lost weight. Im down 70 lbs and it feels great, Im back to working after 3 years driving school bus.

Journey so far

May 22, 2011

I began this journey in December of 2010, Jan 5th I quit smoking, wow after 25 years. It feels good, not gonna lie at times I miss it, but every day is a new challenge and I'm determined to be healthier for first of all ME and then my family. They have been so supportive of my choices and have stood behind me 100%. I also have been a Mt Dew drinker since I can remember, starting May 1st I have given that up as well. Again I miss it but i just keep my water jug filled and go about my day. As of right now May 23rd I have 1 more Dr. appointment to complete my required 6. As of June 10th they can submiit everything to my insurance. Im keeping my fingers crossed but I see no reason for denial. I have degenerative disk disease due to a car accident back in 2006 and severe acid reflux. Im looking forward to relieving some back pain due to weight and getting rid of the acid reflux. I went to my first support group meeting and I have to say I loved it. I got some great tips and websites from a couple girls there, (thanks a ton) I printed out some protein shake ideas and I honestly cant wait to try them. I just ordered a sample pack of UNJURY online so I can see if I like them better than what I have been getting. Well I guess this is it for now, Im excited and nervous the closer I get. Im ready for this change.

About Me
horton, MI
Jan 29, 2011
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