

Nov 02, 2007

Count Down continues... 4 days to go
well its been a long week and now I'm down to 4 days & the weekend and a few days I'm soooo ready this liquid diet is wearing me out I have no energy and feel worn out.. I just want this to be over soon.. my goodness I'm getting a little more scared then I thought I would. I talk to my kids one is all the way in Korea (Active duty Army)He told me not to worry the dr's are good and they will take good care of me and I know that but it still get's to me that the wait is forever.. my oldest son is Active duty Navy and he lives in san diego ca where I grew up and he will be calling tommorrow to talk about all this but he keeps telling me everything will be fine also. my daughter that is close by I think is a little worried but she will be here for me and thats wonderful . well Phy therpy for my knee is going real well I can almost walk with no help finally and maybe by next week when surgery is here I will beable to walk with no crutches for support that would be great. well I'll write more later.

The pre op went well

Oct 31, 2007

COUNT DOWN CONTINUES 6 DAYS TO GO...............well my pre op went well I had great results with the lung spec. he told me my asthma is under control and gave me a new canula type nose piece for my c-pap it will make it not so closed in like the mask does. So I keep it on my face at night, breathing tests went well. and then my chest x ray was good (normal) and they did a Echo cardio gram it should my heart was in good condition and no problems. I went to the Nutrition class/ pre op class to hear about all the stuff that is to come next week it made me feel a little relaxed about it. I went to vist with the surgeon and it was at the end of the day appointment and he seemed a little cranky. I ask a few questions but he seemed like I was impossing so I kinda just thought i would ask his staff some of them later becasue it was like questions like what wgt do you recommend I get down to. and all but other wise I was thrilled to finally be on my way and ONLY 6 days away and its basicly a weekend and a couple of wake ups .. I need to call and ask if I have any pre surgery junk to drink because the class told me I did but they didn't give it to me. I have been on liquids now 8 days. when I wieghed at the dr's I have lost 12 pounds in 7 days to cool. well I''l follow up later. and do my measurements and before picture . my daughter is going to help me do all that this weekend.

Pre op with the surgeon

Oct 29, 2007

   well tommorow actually, 4:30 am I leave for sioux falls me and my husband will be up there all day at Dr O'briens office for all my Pre OP stuff that stil has to be done. before next weeks surgery finally...
Its about 170 miles up to sioux falls and were a little concerned about traffic for rush hour . well I start my morning no caffene due to lung tests and then a chest x ray and a Echo cardio gram, then I vist with the lung dr. about my c-pap I hate that thing .. I was already told I don't need a sleep study again and then its back to the main hosp part to see the pharmist then my nutrition class for two + hrs then I meet with my sugeon for a bit and ask my questions, then I should be done and all ready for the surgery Man I hope things go ok and No delays.. pray for me all. take care I'll write more on wed ..

weeeeeeeee where on our way

Oct 27, 2007

The countdown continues... 11 days to go..
well the liquids are ok its not easy but not terrable either I truely believe God is giving me strenght I don't have on my own I have never been able to do this before but its been a lot easier thn I thought. thanks to my wonderful Husband that has been helping me run after things to drink while I'm still having trouble with my right knee.. God has blessed me so much.

a special message for strong women!!

Oct 27, 2007

 A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him.
"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why
women cry.Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said:
"When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.
I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."
You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."
Keep Life Simple!!!!

Started the liquids !!!!!!!!

Oct 25, 2007

 Count down Continues... 13 days
well I have been doing ok on the liquids. there has been time when I get hungry but not to bad. I have been drinking a lot of water between my protien shakes and jello ect.. its been ok. I went to see my knee dr. on tues I can start putting wgt on my knee  also Phys. therpy 2-3 times a week I only have a week and an 3/4 before my gastric so I guess I will just have to do what I can until then and then get back to therpy after I get to feeling better. The ortho dr. said I will do just fine so I believe him . it does hurt and ach a little but not to bad. I have been taking my vitamins and It has been fine I need to work so I hope I don't get run down and tired being on the liquids I think I will be ok at this point I am. Next tuesday I go to Sioux Falls to do pre op with the surgeon and do my nutrition Class also a little bit of tests on my heart a Echo Cardio Gram and a chest xray, I also have to vist with the lung spec and the pharmist it will be a busy day.. I'm Ready to get on with it though. I sure hope I lose a little wgt on the liquid diet.. we will seee


Oct 20, 2007

 Oct 20th 2007 COUNT DOWN**** 17 days to go
           I start my liquid diet on the 24th and I'm hoping it will be ok .. I have not been to my class with the Nutritionist yet but I was told full liquids for the 1st 10 days and clear on the few before surgery and NPO(no food or liquids after midnight) before surgery except the clean out junk ikkky stuff i hear.. 
well its starting my new life. I want to be healthy and with this tool I have a wonderful chance to get my life back. I'm excited But a little scared of  complication from or during surgery. 

Dr schreders phy (primary dr. pre op)

Oct 15, 2007

well tommorow is My DR's appt with my primary dr Ekg and blood work
ect and a check up along with it then I go to my surgerons office on the 30th 
for pre op with him along with my nutrition class and pharmacy class ect I start my liquid diet next week for two week.. I'm worried about the protien.. cathy

knee surgery update oct 11th

Oct 11, 2007

Hello all, well I went to the ortho surgeon today to get stiches out but I was told I can not put any wgt on my knee yet, but soon in like two weeks. I start phy. therpy and can go back to work tommorrow but I have to use a wheel chair to get around our office to avoid wgt on my Right leg. but the pain is very light and ok with out pain meds. i do my exercises the pt person taught me @ the hosp Ill up date soon i go back to the dr in two weeks to check on my knee. and the pre opt for my wls is on the 16th for my phy and ekg and blood work I'm sooo excited to get closer to my NOV 7th Date for wls ..... please keep me in your prayers everythings goes well and they don't change my date..  oh and thank-you laura for calling it was wonderful.. to have your support. I'm here for you to allllllll the way..... cathy

day after scope on right knee

Oct 06, 2007

hey all well im in pain so this will be short the knee scope went rough .. it was worse then they thought and its a ACL  rip instead on just a small menicus tere it hurts bad and after my wls, i have to get my knee replaced about 6months out.. ouch i can't have any wgt on it until next thurs. unreal uncomfortable.. well i'll let you know how its going.. Cathy

About Me
Miller, SD
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 36

Latest Blog 43
Happy Birthday To Meeee!
Getting close to a Year Out...
its Mid JUNE wow
May is almost here
March already!!
Having a rough time ...
im was soooooo excited...
feb check in with wgt and measurements
