

Jun 14, 2011

Well, here I am-on oh writing a blog! Who knew that I would ever find myself here? Definetly not me!
I started life out as a thin kid, with a very picky appetite.Many a night a battle of wills would drag on at the dinner table. My  mother, begging and pleading with me to eat and I refusing. It wasn't that I didn't like food, I did but primarily of the junk variety.Lucky for me I had good metabolism and was very active so I didn't see the weight come on until later in life. At around 19 I put on my first "freshman 15" my first year at college living on a diet of pizza and beer.From there the weight wars began for me. By the time I was 21 I tried every fad diet imaginable, any diet pills I could get my hands on. fom 21 years old to the present my weight yo yo'd up and down up and down through 3 pregnancies. After my 3rd child I really began to pack on the pounds. Diets were no longer working for me and I felt tired all the time, sluggish and depressed. I really felt like a failure. People would say to me, just start working out, watch what you eat it's no big deal- these of course were my thin friends and family.
2 months ago I was playing in the yard with my kids and I just couldn't keep up with them. My 7 year old son was begging me to chase him "Lets play tag, mommy!" and I just couldn't ! It finally dawned on me; all the things that I loved to do that I just could't do anymore-dancing, going on long walks on the boardwalk, going into NYC or Philly for a day, I was no longer able to enjoy them and was in fact avoiding them.. As my weight increased my life was being spent more and more inside my house either avoiding activities out of shame or simply not being able to keep up with the activity. I wanted that to end, my kids deserve to have a mom that can play with them and I deserve to do the things I loveI am only 35 and there is still so much in the world i want to experiance as a healthy and happy human being..
I stepped on the scale and  calculated my bmi, I called my insurance company and made sure they cover bariatric surgery.I made an appointment with my Dr and he was very kind refered me to the best bariatric surgery center in NJ.He ran a few blood tests and boy was I surprised that I had high blood pressure and was in pre diabeates! That explained a lot of the fatigue but was also terrifying, as my grandmother also had t2dt and I watched her suffer and ultimately succumb to it.I knew then that I had to make a choice, I was just glad that  had acess to this tool to assist me into my new weight loss journe.y
I called a Bariatric Surgeon. I was so nervous going to my appointment that I got lost! Luckily I found my way there and Dr.Greenbaum was very nice, very professional and very informative. He directed me to do some researching of my own which led me here and to a few other places. I never thought I would even have considered doing the ds surgery but after looking at all the studies that are out there it just makes sense to me. I am still reading and researching and learning more about this surgery and I am just so excited about it! I have somehow managed to schedule all my pre op appt's in the next 2 weeks(cardio , psych, nutritionist, gall bladder us)and am anxious for my next meeting to discuss my surgery!


About Me
Jun 14, 2011
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