
Jan 31, 2011

I AM... (in no particular order)

...All about positive affirmations
...Able to do anything I put my mind to
...A great Wife, Mother and Friend
...Beautiful inside and out
...Hard working



Jan 27, 2011

133.8 today. WOW!  I never thought in 4+ months that I would lose this much this quickly.  What a blessing. 

On the eating front, I am averaging about 700-800 calories a day now.  This is big considering I spent the first two months vomiting almost everything that went in.   I am maintaining the 60-85g protein thanks to the protein bullets each day.  Slowly I'm able to add more foods and more calories. 

Some people may be discouraged at the rate of their intake, but for me it hasn't been an issue. I know with time, what is meant to be is meant to be and I'll eventually I'll get to 800-1000 calories.  I'm not pushing it, and I'm letting my body and new stomach dictate the necessary increases.  What I couldn't eat 2 months ago, I can now... and what I can't eat now I'm sure will be ok in a few months.

I was speaking with a friend yesterday, she still asks so many questions about this procedure and how I'm doing.  She couldn't believe that I am no longer hungry.  I've explained, that with the removal of 85% of my stomach, I no longer produce the hunger gene.  Some people may "think" they are hungry after this surgery, but maybe that is more mental than physical. I too have caught myself 'thinking' that it would be good to eat , but really I wasn't hungry.  Atleast, that's my experience.  I myself personally, do not get hungry, my stomach never growls and have to constantly remind myself to eat by scheduling eating 4x/day at set times.

My typical day looks like an egg with cheese or greek yogart in the morning.  Lunch consists of protein either from left overs from the night before, or some other protein in the fridge (Protein shake, peanut butter, lunch meats etc).   Around 3pm I usually have a 26 or 42g protein bullet and then I eat dinner with my husband which again consists of protein (fish, chicken or whatever he's cooking up). Tonight we're having Salmon. :)

I know it doesn't sound like much, but I must be doing something right.  All my labs are great.  No more diabetes, or hypertension and I'm taking all the vitamins that were recommended. 

I hope this helps someone who may be struggling today.  All the best to you...



Jan 25, 2011

I lost my entry so I don't think I can recall it word for word.  So here's the short version...

134.4 today.  Under the weather  today, I must have picked up a bug from the plane or travels last week.  Seeing the surgeon on 2.22.11.  Will discuss the excess skin and hair loss.  Hope he can give me some advice and solutions.

Otherwise, life's good.  Blah to losing my completed entry.  Just not feeling well to try to replicate it again to it's fullest. Sorry for the short entry.  Back to bed.  Have a great day.

Note:  I just wrote out a thorough blog post and when I went to submit it to the site, it was gone into cyberspace. Mental note, copy it before clicking save so if it's lost, you can just paste it into a new entry.


Honey I'm home...

Jan 22, 2011

Back from being out of town on business.  It was a great week both personally and professionally. 

I lost 1.5 lbs when I was gone which is surprising considering I ate out or ordered room service from the hotel.  It was not as easy as I had hoped or planned. I did have two bouts of nausea and vomiting this past week, both were when I consumed meaty dinners.   Everyone said that meat is the hardest on the stomach initially and I'm still finding this to be true.

My dear friend delivered protein bullets and shakes to me at my hotel on the first day so I was able to meet my protein needs each day thankfully.  I was so concerned about this due to the amount of hair loss I'm experiencing.  I can see scalp and have now resorted to short hair and style it to hide the hair loss. 

All in all though - seeing the reactions of my co-workers was a great thing.  I had really given thought to would I tell them about the surgery or would I keep it private.  My love told me that someone can't judge you if you are upfront about it. So, with every 'WOW, you look great. How'd you do it?' was my response I had surgery to cure my diabetes and hypertension and weight loss was an added benefit.  You can't judge someone for trying to fix their health.   So, needless to say... it was a hot topic this past week for each person and each meeting I attended.

It's good that the cat is out of the bag I suppose.  The surgery was the best decision I've ever made and there is nothing to ever be ashamed of. It worked, I was successful and I am living proof and will forever be an advocate for the VSG.

Happy Sunday all ya'all.   :)



Jan 14, 2011

Just a quick note since I'm heading out of town for business tomorrow and will be AFK for a full week.  I won't have a scale to weigh in and probably won't have time to login and post updates so I'll do an update when I return next weekend. It'll be interesting eating out  at a restaurant each night or eating room service for 7 straight days.  I'll be curious how my body responds to this plus the stress of being in the office vs. telecommuting from home.

Was 137.8 today.  The weight loss has definitely slowed down but I must still be losing inches because the pants don't lie when you put them on.

I have to thank everyone for reading and responding to me this past week when I had my pitty party regarding the hair loss. Your support and advice was truly appreciated.   Oh when I mentioned it to my love, he said to me, "I didn't notice".  Such a sweet man. <3  

1 comment

Pick myself up, dust myself off and keep moving forward

Jan 10, 2011

Okay, so yesterday was my pitty party in regards to the one side effect that is not so welcomed - Hair Loss.  Today I will turn my frown upside down and continue  with all the positives in my life since having WLS surgery.  Which reminds me...

IMHO, WLS surgery should also be renamed.  I was very obese, and I was unhealthy and sick because of my weight and diet. My main decision for having this surgery was to improve my health.  The weight loss just happened to be an added bonus.  I've blogged about how I am no longer a Type II Diabetic and no longer hypertensive.  So calling this proceedure Weight Loss Surgery just doesn't seem right for me.  For me personally, it should be called HIS Surgery... Health Improvement Surgery.   This surgery has improved my health and reversed the aging process associated with all the diseases that come with being obese.

I can move more, I have more stamina, my endurance has increased, I'm so much stronger and I feel great! 

I've been given my life back and I hope the same for all those who are considering having HIS surgery.  :)


PHOTO: 4 months post-op | 138 lbs | 70 lb weight loss


Side affect - Hair Loss

Jan 10, 2011

1.10.11  138.4 today

So the side affect (or is it effect - I can never remember which one to use) is that I'm dealing with hair loss.  It is dropping quicker than the snow outside.  I'm taking B Vitamins and Biotin in addition to my multi-vitamins.  I have to admit I am surprised at how much has fallen out.  My hair is every where but on my head.   Am I that vain that its bothering me, yes I guess so since I'm writing about it.  :-(

I think that's about all I'm going to write about today.   UGH!

With every inch of progress is a giant leap...

Jan 05, 2011

139.6 today ::::dancedancedance::::

Today, I met my goal to be in the 130's before January 16th.  With every inch (or lb) lost, it is one giant leap for health and happiness.  I could never imagine how good 'skinny' feels.  Actually, I can't believe how bad I felt for so long.   When you're obese you have all the aches and pains and the feeling of sluggishness just becomes the 'norm'.  Once the weight comes down and your body heals from all the fat and toxins it's amazing how much energy you gain back.  I FEEL GREAT! (yes I am virtually shouting)

I've said this before and I'll probably say it a million times over, this surgery has given me my life back.  September 9th, 2010 is my new 'RE-BIRTH' day.   I don't celebrate birthdays at my age but I will for ever celebrate 9.9.10.  The Verticle Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) works! I'm living proof.

Folks, if I can give you one piece of advice today, welcome the surgery, cherish the changes and all the emotions associated with it, embrace the new tool (new stomach) you've been given.  As my friend reminds me, we no longer carry the guilt associated with food. 

Eat to live, don't live to eat.   Food is nourishment.  You're amazing!  :)



Jan 04, 2011

Almost at 70 lb loss. The weight loss has slowed down which is normal and understandable at this point in this process.  Slow and steady she goes.  

I feel great although, I did eat some chicken last night  with some ricotta cheese and tomato sauce (1-1.5 oz at most) and had the nausea and vomiting gods come down on me again.  I guess this will be an ongoing issue.  Slow down and chew chew chew.

I want to have photos taken of me when I hit 138 lbs because that will be my 70 lb goal.  I'll post them once I reach this milestone.  My end goal is 120 lbs which is perfect for my height 5'2".

So, I haven't told many people about this surgery but obviously the weight loss is so obvious when you see me in photos or in person. Well yesterday one of my co-workers finally asked what I was doing.  Well, I don't think it's their business to know I had WLS, but I also don't want to lie to anyone.  So I told the truth, I said hard work.  This journey has been hard work with all the ups and downs, nausea and vomiting, trying to get the food and liquids in etc.  I told her I was on a calorie restriction diet plan (that's the truth), taking tons of vitamins and working out.

So I didn't lie, I just didn't give the full blown story.  Anyway, the person then started blabbing apparently to others in the dept.  about how I'm starving myself, and it's not healthy what I'm doing etc.  Sheesh!  Can't people just be happy for another?  Lesson learned

TW: 140.8



Jan 03, 2011

Down to 140.8 today YAY ME!

Watching the BMI also drop.  Today my BMI is 25.8 and according to the BMI calculator I am still overweight:
25.0 - 29.9  Overweight

But, I won't be for much longer.  I have 20.8 lbs to get to my goal weight of 120.

I've mentioned this before that this isn't a race, this is a life long decision and process and I need to keep reminding myself that even at the times when I get so excited that I am smiling from ear to ear and could shout  YIPPEE!  when I see the scale move.  

After all my adult life of battling my weight, dieting over and over again, and living with such self disappointment over failing to be healthy and make right food choices, living with Type II Diabetes, and Hypertension...I think it's ok for a little celebration and WTG's right?  Hell yeah! 

This new stomach is a tool, and this tool has helped me to get my life back.  That is a very huge cause for celebration.  I'm proud of myself.  YAY ME!

Off to go work out and burn off some of this 'excitement'.  Keep moving forward all ya'all.  It's a good thing. :)


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 05, 2008
Member Since

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Latest Blog 91
