I have been over weight my entire life. I have struggled with diets. I loose only to gain it all back. I became a diabetic and the medication I was on caused me to gain more weight. I was told all my life you have a pretty face if you would just loose some weight. Men would say I will marry you if you loose down to 125. Lets be real I am 5' 8" tall that is too thin. Food was my comfort area it was always there and never told me no.

My marriage ended for real after 19 years but it was realy over long before that. There was no intimacy the last 3 years we were together. My husband did not find me attractive. What a blow to the ego. So lets eat some more. I had talked to him about the bypass surgery and he was dead set against it. You can do it on your own!!! Sorry when you have over a 100 pounds to loose it seems like a mountain you will never climb. I am not that strong. So after 4 months of sepertion I decided to do it. for me to get healthy and start living my life for real. Not to sit on the side lines and watch it pass me by. I joined a gym ( I do not go enough) began working out. Started the process for the surgery. My ex and I are better friends now and get along but he is still not happy about the surgery. Too bad he does not have a say in my life anymore.

I have my surgery on Monday Aug. 23, 2010. I have lost 25 pounds pre op so I am on my way. I look and most of all feel so much better. My life is my own now and I am finaly living MY LIFE  for me and doing FOR ME.!!!!!!

About Me
Hamptonville, NC
Surgery Date
Aug 18, 2010
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