My WOW Moments!!!

Apr 02, 2008

It's been awhile since I've updated!  Life has been going so quickly.  I'm down 96 pounds...I've been at a stall for about 6-8 weeks.  I must be losing inches though because I have gone down 2 pants sizes without actually losing any weight.  So, I'm okay with my progress this far.  I'm feeling great and all my labs have been fine.  My Dr. wants me to lose about 20 more pounds.
Some of my WOW moments that I've experienced:
* wrapping a towel around my entire body
* curling up into a ball on the couch and feeling small
* sitting indian style and crossing my legs      comfortably
* Laying on the floor & playing with my kids
* My husband being able to wrap his arms all the way around me
* Bending over to tie my shoe without getting winded
* Sitting in a movie theater seat and having room
* Buying a size Medium...yes,I said Medium..shirt (down from a 22/24)
* Buying a size 10 pant (down from a size 22)
* Being able to find a bathing suit & feeling sexy in it!
* Being told I'm "so tiny now"
* Having fun  and feeling good about getting dressed up to go out
* Buying "regular" more wide width necessary!
* Wearing a necklace WITHOUT an extender or extra links
* Fitting into one leg of my old pair of pants! (See the pic I posted)
* Realizing I've lost the weight of my two children...they each weigh 45 pounds.  PLUS an additional 6 pounds!  Isn't that crazy!


Time flies....when you're feelin' good!

Jan 27, 2008

I can't believe it's been almost 3 months since my last post!!!  I've finally gotten over that horrible pneumonia and I'm down 82 pounds since surgery!  I've hit another plateau, but I must continue to lose inches because my clothes keep getting baggier.  I FINALLY cleaned out my closet at my hubby's urging.  I kept trying to wear some of my old clothes (mostly around the house) and he said I was looking like a bag lady who dropped a mess in my drawers.  I've definately lost my butt...and thank goodness I've kept my boobs.  I tease my hubby that they're just getting longer as I lose weight.  Thank God for great support bras...LOL!!!
My friends & family are really starting to notice my weight loss.  I only told a handful of people about my surgery.  I felt it was my choice & I don't think it's everyone's business how I lost it.  I think it's partly an insecurity issue.  I've done so many diets and lost weight successfully in the past...only to fail & re-gain the weight.  I think there is a tiny piece of me that is scared that this will be another failure because of my past track record.
I've been real good about my food choices and I've been implementing excercise, but I need to do it more.  I am down to a size 14 in pants and L/XL shirts.  I love the energy and confidence that this surgery has given back to me!
Ciao for now~~~Jen

Feeling Better

Nov 03, 2007

I have been feeling much better since my last post!  Things are starting to get back to "normal".  Foods have been going down good...and staying down!  I still have a touch of pneumonia, my Dr. thinks I might be getting adult-onset asthma.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's not asthma & that I will be fully recovered in another few weeks.  I'm down 52 pounds and have stayed there for a week.  I'm okay with that though...for now, anyway.  I figured my body needs to rest & adjust.
Some people have noticed my weight loss, but most haven't said much.  I haven't told a majority of my friends.  I've gone down from size 22 in pants & shirts to size 16/18 in pants & 14/16 in tops.  My hubby even commented this morning that I looked "skinny" in my outfit...LOL!  I'm liking the way things are looking and I'm happy with my progress!

In A Funk!

Oct 16, 2007

I've been kinda down lately.  I'm happy with the weight loss I've had so far...-44 pounds!  But, prior to my surgery I was relatively healthy besides being overweight & I rarely got sick & I would bounce back quickly if I did get sick.  I've thrown up more in the past 2 months than I have in the past 5 years.  I'm constantly attempting to hack-up a lung with this pneumonia and I get winded easily.  I was looking forward (believe it or not) to starting an excercise routine, but I can barely grocery shop!  I just want to feel "normal" again...if you can relate to that!

The verdict is....

Oct 16, 2007

yup...I have a frickin' stricture!  But, Kaiser won't touch me, since I'm only 4 weeks out and they're afraid of perforating my new pouch.  So, they referred me back to Dr. Zorn in San Diego.  I'm frustrated, but I'm okay going to San Diego.  I'm sure they're used to dealing with this more than Kaiser is.  They "ballooned" open the stricture & it went pretty well. 


Oct 16, 2007

So, I've been dealing w/ the pneumonia & trying to rest, per Dr's orders!  On Sat. (9-22-07) I had lunch & I threw-up. maybe I ate too fast or didn't chew well enough.  I make it thru the rest of the day okay.
Now Sunday...I take my pills in the AM & 20 minutes later, they all come up.  I try to eat some broth for comes up.  I sip a bit of comes up!  I now realize, something is wrong if I can't even keep down water!
I go to the ER at Kaiser (throwing up bile now) and they decide to admit me.  I'm dehydrated, extremely low in potassium and I possibly have a stricture.  I'm scheduled to get scoped the following day.

I'm Sick!

Oct 16, 2007

Well, my kids started school & passed a cold onto me!  My DH & I went to Vegas for our anniversary on 9-15-07.  I noticed that my breathing was becoming more difficult & just chalked it up to all the smokers in the casino.  On our way home I noticed that it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest, so as soon as I got home I called the Dr. for an appt the next day.  Yup...I have pneumonia & it ain't fun!  I've never felt so drained.  I didn't even feel this bad right after surgery.  I hope this clears up soon!


Sep 04, 2007

Well, I've been doing quite well now that I've moved onto my "soft" foods.  There's so much more variety in flavors and it keeps me filled up longer.  Today was the first time I've thrown up though...YUCK!  I hate, hate, hate throwing up.  Not that anyone likes to, but I HATE to throw up.  I had a bowl of cream of wheat, went down okay, but I still felt hungry.  So, I had a piece of string cheese.  About 10 minutes later I had this pain in my chest and I was miserable for the next 30-40 minutes.  Then the string cheese came up...boy did I have instant relief.  I guess we learn from our experiences & I don't want to go thru that again anytime soon.  So I need to remember...small bites & eat slow...lesson learned!

One Week Post-Op

Sep 01, 2007

Well, I had my one week post-op appt and everything is doing just fine.  Dr. Zorn also said I was cleared to move onto soft foods...WOO-HOO!  The liquids were hard for me!
I also weighed in and I'm down...drum roll please...17 POUNDS!!!  Is that amazing or what???  It doesn't seem possible for ME to lose that much in so little time.  I could tell my pants were getting looser in the butt (guess I had a bigger arse than I thought...LOL).
I really am excited for this crazy ride!

It's Good To Be Home

Aug 29, 2007

Ahhhh....freedom!!!  It's so nice to be able to walk around without hauling that IV machine with you.  I'm still on clear liquids for 10 more days.  I swear I feel hungry and that my "old" tummy is growling.  It's the weirdest thing.  The first day home wasn't too bad.  The second day home was harder.  I don't think I got enough liquids in, I was really hungry (it felt more than just head hunger) and I kinda was in a funk.  My mom & DH got mexican food and I just kept staring at the chips.  I swear I wanted to lick just one...I know...crazy!  I managed thru it though.
The next day (5 days post-op) we went to Mimi's Cafe and I ordered French Onion soup w/out the cheese, bread & strained.  It was sinfully good!  It was the first thing that felt like a meal & was satisfying to me.  I could only eat about 1/3 of the cup and I had no problems being around my family as they enjoyed their dinners.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 13
My WOW Moments!!!
Time flies....when you're feelin' good!
Feeling Better
In A Funk!
The verdict is....
I'm Sick!
One Week Post-Op
It's Good To Be Home
