
May 04, 2011

Wow, today is 11 months for me.  Where does the time go?!?! I honestly can't believe it's been that long!  So much has changed in that period of time.  Of course there is the obvious, I have gotten a lot smaller.  95.6 pounds smaller to be exact.  I'm not averaging 10 pounds a month, but I'm happy with all that I've lost.  I had several months where I only lost about 5 pounds in the month, but I seem to be back on track for now.  I have had to stop eating and be diligent in drinking my protein.  So now, most days consist of two scoops of protein (60 grams) that I take to work with me.  That is my breakfast and lunch.  Then I have a small serving of cottage cheese and a few bites of meat for dinner.  Sometimes I'll throw in an Atkins bar if I want a treat or am still hungry.  This is the only way that I can lose weight.  I am taking my vitamins so I feel great.  I only sleep about 5 hours a night and I seem to have plenty of energy.  I have to confess though, I start my day with a cup of tea and someone got me hooked on the 5 hour energy drinks.  I work a 12 hour day and those seem to help me get through the late afternoon-evening hours.  I'm not happy about all the caffeine, but I figure it could be worse.   I'm hoping to lose 100 pounds by 1 year.  I should be able to do it.  I did get the depoprovera shot the other day and I'm hoping that doesn't slow the weight loss down.  If it does, I won't get it again.  
Although I am looking good with my clothes on, I'm not very happy with how I look naked.  My arm, stomach and legs, leave something to be desired.  I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to fix any of those things, so I'm just trying to be content with how I look clothed.  It is certainly a lot better than how I looked before.

I currently wear a size 10 pants!!  Woohooo!!!  Before losing the weight, I wore a size xxl in scrubs.  I had to go buy some the other day because my current ones were too lose.  I currently wear a medium.  Wow, how did that ever happen?!?!   People are starting to say I am skinny......me.  I know I'm not skinny yet and still have a good amount to lose on my hips and legs, but my upper looks a lot better.  I never knew my clavicles could stick out like they do!!  I like it...I like it a lot!!  hehe 

I now enjoy healthy eating.  I can make bad choices and I won't suffer too much, but I don't want to.  I enjoy eating healthy and feel like I have more energy when I do.  It has now become a decision that I choose to make daily.  I do it for me. 

For all the new people, just stick with it, and you too will do great!!  You also won't believe all the changes you go through.  I hope everyone is doing great!!  :)


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Mar 17, 2009
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