
Jan 13, 2009

Today I did something makes me think long and hard about my life and how long I will live, I bought Life Insurance.  Before this year I really never gave much thought to when I die or how long I might live, I guess I just thought I would live forever.  This past year (2008) brought several deaths in my family and one was my 30 year old nephew, so unexpected and so unplanned for.  What I mean by that is that the burden of his funeral expenses was put on his family to plan and pay for.  That put me to thinking that we never know when our turn will come and am I ready to leave this world and will my family be burdened by my death.  Don't get me wrong I know there is grief and we don't want to lose our loved ones but I don't want to leave a financial burden on anyone.  So I can say that I have had a good long talk with God and I now am well covered by life insurance that all my debt and funeral expenses will be taken care of.  Kind of makes me feel better and relieved, not that I still have any intention of going anywhere anytime soon but if God sees fit to take me home I am ready.
So now I will continue on my track of becoming healthy and doing my part in making sure I am here a good long  time.


Jan 11, 2009

January 11,2009 Happy New Year Everyone,
It's 9pm and I am sitting here wondering why I start things and never finish them, not just diets but everything I do I don't see it thru I just get bored I guess and stop.  Take this site for instance, I haven't been on here in a long time and wen I started I totally planned blogging regularly and just knew this would be a great help to weight loss journey.  But here I am. 
Maybe I have adult ADD ha ha, I think we use that for a crutch sometimes even on our kids. 

On another note I have been doing very well with the diet this time, I have had my lap band surgery and so far down 33 pounds, I got a wii fit for Christmas and have lost an average on one pound a day, its really fun and addictive so it helps gets me off the couch and moving.  I also started going to Zumba at the church here in town, its I guess Latin aerobics.  I have so much fun and get my butt kicked also, I never thought I would say this but I am enjoying working out.

Well I am off here for now BUT I PROMISE I will be back soon.  Send me your encouragements and i will send you mine.

Good Luck Everyone,


I heard from the Surgeon today

Jul 02, 2008

Well I heard from Dr. Edwards office to day and they said there were waiting to hear from my insurance.  So I called the insurance and talked with the girl there that has been so much help to me and she said she would call them as soon as we hung up.  She said that all they needed was to call the dept to get my surgery approved witch would take no more than 10 days to get the approval.  So I am really excited it looks like things will move along now.  Mary at Dr. Edwards’s office said that as soon as she heard from them today she would make me an appointment to see the Dr.
I’m so excited.

Heard from my Insurance

Jun 15, 2008

Ok, I got a call from my insurance and they said that they will cover out of network for me to go to Dr, Christopher Edwards.  This is WONDERFUL!! but, they said that I only have a time period of June 1 to Oc t 31 and I get 15 visits.  I called Dr. Edwards officer because I was scheduled to go to the seminar on July 5th, the changed that to this Monday (tomorrow).  I hope everything goes smooth and fast, but I worry.  Seems too good to be true.  I do have conformation numbers and they are sending everything they told me in writing, I also recorded the conversation on my phone so that I don't forget anything.
If anyone has any advice for me please let me know, I was wondering if maybe I should go ahead and start a liquid diet?

Getting Started

Jun 02, 2008

Hi everyone, my name is Tina and I live in Ozark Missouri.

Well I have been doing a lot of research and thinking and have decided to have lap band surgery.  

After checking with my doctor, he suggested lap band and my insurance will pay, I feel this is what I need to do for a healthier happier me.

I go to my seminar on July 5th and so far it looks like Dr. Chris Edwards at St. Johns Bariatric  will be my doctor.  I am happy about that.

I feel like I am obsessed with it, all I do in my spare time is read and watch other peoples testimonials on youtube.

About Me
Ozark , MO
May 29, 2008
Member Since

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I heard from the Surgeon today
Heard from my Insurance
Getting Started
