1 week post-op appt

May 31, 2007

May 24, 2007  What an improvement from my last post!  I guess the swelling is letting up because drinking isn't causing me problems anymore.  In fact, I've decided to start drinking protein shakes in addition to my all-clear diet.  I feel better than ever, so I decided to call Dr Curry's office and asked if I could move on to mushies.  WooHoo I got the green light for pureed food.   

Stepped on the scale at Dr C's office (drumroll please) 277!!  OMG, that's 17 pounds since I started liquids on May 9, and 22 pounds total!  WOOHOO!  I'll take it.

Sat down and talked to Erin, the dietician.  She okayed me to pretty much move on to soft food.   I know I'm not ready for soft foods yet, so I'm going to listen to my body and take it slowly.

3 days post op and doing not so great

May 31, 2007

I'm having a bad day today.  I must have a ton of swelling because I feel like I can't swallow anything, and I'm hurting.  I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow, and I just don't see how.  It hurts to sit for too long because of the 2 longer incisions and my waistbands don't get along too well yet.

I'm getting burnt out on water and cran-apple juice.  My clear liquids diet is a joke.  I'm supposed to actually have different things at meal times.  Give me a break.  I'm choking down something all day long, so that I don't get dehydrated.  I'm very weak, and I guess that's from the lack of protein right now.  Back to bed.

I'm on the loser's side!

May 31, 2007

May 19, 2007  I'm home from the hospital, and back in my own bed!  I hate staying in hospitals, but I have to admit, I was treated very, very well.  I only had to call once for pain meds, because someone was always there offering them.

I wound up bringing way too much stuff to the hospital.  I brought a DVD player since I heard they didn't have many stations, and I also brought several books.  I really didn't have the energy to hold a book, and it hurt to sit up and watch the dvd player, so I pretty much hung out in bed or went walking around.

My mom and husband told me that Dr C said my surgery went exactly as planned and everything is AOK.  I'm in a moderate amount of pain, but nothing like I thought.  The Vicodin takes care of it just fine.  I decided to go ahead and get the pills instead of the liquid meds just ebecause of the taste.  I'm kinda regretting it now because I'm having a little trouble swallowing the pills.  Oh well.  I'll crush them if I have to.

I can only take tiny sips right now.  It's so weird.  I'm usually chugging down about 4-5 quarts of water per day, and I can tell that won't be happening again any time soon.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!!

May 17, 2007

I'm going through such a broad range of emotions right now.  Excitement, fear, anxiety just to name a few.

I have to be at the hospital tomorrow at 11:30am.  When I saw Dr Curry last week, he told me that he runs 2 operating rooms on Fridays, and he doesn't want to be standing there waiting for me.  So, I guess we will get there early and hope that everyone is ready for me earlier.  I still can't believe I have to spend the night at the hospital.  

The liquid pre-op diet is going ok.  I admit that I've cheated a few times, but at least it wasn't on anything bad.  I've had a couple slices of roast beef and a few cheese cubes.  Hey, at least it wasn't french fries or cheesecake, right?

I'll be a loser very soon!

Approved Again! And a date!

Apr 25, 2007

April 23, 2007-WOOOHOOO  I'm approved again!  I got the call from Charity, and now I'm schduled for May 18 at 230pm.  Less than a month to go!!

I'm back!!!

Mar 29, 2007

March 29, 2007-Can you believe I will be working on getting this band for 2 years in July?  There's been alot of bumps in the road, but I'm still determined to get this band.

I had to have a bowel re-section due to diverticulits on January 19.  That was a horrible surgery.  I know in my last post I mentioned I was considering the RNY.  Fuggett about itt!  I want my band and I want it now!

I called Dr Curry's office (the one with the new staff) and they couldn't be bothered to call me back.  So, I e-mailed his old staff (Tracey, Erin etc) and they are helping me!  WOOHOO  Since I was already approved, Tracey said it shouldn't take much to get another approval.  I'm so psyched.  This is just what I needed to boost my spirits.  I've been through alot these past few months and have been pretty down.

No surgery

Mar 29, 2007

December 14, 2006 Long time, no update. And unfortunately there's not much of an update. I didn't have my surgery. 2 weeks before my surgery, I was hospitialized with diverticulitis. I had no idea what was wrong with me. The surgeon told me to wait until after the 1st of the year to re-schedule surgery. Then I was hit with it again, and now I have to have bowel re-section surgery in January. Who knows when I might get my surgery?? My main reason for not getting the bypass was because of the cutting of the intestines. Well, guess what? They are going to be cutting them anyway in January, so I may just switch over the to RNY once I go the approval process again.


Mar 29, 2007

August 17, 2006 I'M APPROVED!! OMG! FINALLY!! It's been a long long year, but I'm finally approved. I have an appt with Dr C on Tuesday to see what pre-op tests need to be done and to schedule surgery. They said I could have surgery as soon as Sept 8!!!!!!! WOOHOO!

another crazy dr

Mar 29, 2007

August 4, 2006 Well, I made it through another psych consult. This one required the MMPI test. That was fun....not. He told me that it's obvious that I comfort myself with food and don't deal with things. DUH! I could have saved him some time. He's going to give me the green light for surgery, providing I start some therapy. I figure it can't hurt a bit, so I signed up. Maybe now I can figure out why I always sabotage myself just when a diet starts really working.


Mar 29, 2007

July 2006 **DENIED** I guess my psych report didn't clarify that I'm "ready for surgery" So, I need to call them and get them to send another report. Easy enough, right? WRONG! I can't get a hold of them. Their phone number has changed, and now instead of "Dr Peggy Pack & Assoc", the recording is just for Dr Peggy Pack. I didn't see her, I saw an associate. I left a message asking for help, and she will not call me back. I guess the business went under. I've called numberous times and even had Dr Curry's office call. NO LUCK. So, now I have to have another psych consult.

About Me
New Richmond, OH
Surgery Date
Jul 21, 2005
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 16
1 week post-op appt
3 days post op and doing not so great
I'm on the loser's side!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!!
Approved Again! And a date!
I'm back!!!
No surgery
another crazy dr
