My journey begins with a weight at 415 lbs and a BMI of 65, I was a catastrophe waiting to happen as it was only time when my body would give out. When I began on this extraordinary journey I had no idea how much my life would change and I as a person would grow in so many aspects of my life. I came to a self-realization that this is truly a life-style change and not a magic bullet. The tool is only as good as the user and that if I did not comply with the guidelines given to me the tool would not fail rather I would fail the tool.

I am now finally at a normal BMI my weight has stabilized within a 5 lbs range….depending on the time of the month. Each morning I give myself a pep-talk to remind myself that I have made a choice this day to follow my eating and exercise plan, each day brings with it new hopes and struggles.  By continually reminding myself that this is a lifelong journey, that each day I am the one in control, and that I am the one that needs to make conscious choices on my choice of lifestyle.  Others often tell me that I am the poster child for WLS, nonetheless my response is “here by the grace of God go I and at anytime I am one bite away from being 415lbs”. As I said previously this surgery is not a magic bullet, nevertheless it gives each of us the opportunity to change our lives and put us on a level playing field with the rest of the world.

Obesity is a disease that affects us not only physically with the increased burden of fat on our bodies…it however reaches deep in our souls (minds, will and emotions).  I feel a continued need to remind myself that food was my drug of choice for many years, I ran to it to fill the deepest recesses of my soul (I had caverns of holes). A self-realization has occurred during this wonderful journey that this addiction was destroying my life and that I allowed it to have a powerful hold on me. Needing to hit rock bottom as in other addictions was what it took to wake me up from a delusional frame of mind regarding this disease. I have been blessed with the support of my bariatric group there are not enough words to express the empowerment they have given me, the OH community, but most importantly my family/friends that have encouraged me along my journey.

During the past 3 years I have accomplished more than just weight loss, I found the strength to fight the barriers of my cocoon and spring forth a new being. 

About Me
Neverland, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 13, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Morning of Surgery - July 09, 2004
408 lbslbs
Taken on July 12, 2005 (1 year post-op)
203 lbslbs

Friends 17
