My first Turkey Day since RNY

Nov 28, 2009

Well I managed okay...went overboard on the cooking and entertaining but it kept my mind off the eating.  Tried several times to have a little bite of stuff...but  happened and after two times I gave up.  Guess I am a slow learner but oh I wanted to taste a little of the good stuff.  I got over it by stepping on the scale on my third trip to the bathroom and saw 225...I smiled and said okay I can do this and just went back out and made sure everyone had what they needed and got through the day okay..Grandkids came by the next day and ate most of the leftovers. 
Waiting to hear back on my labs...hope things will be okay.  Scheduled to have the scope down the throat to see why I am not able to keep food down...not looking forward to it (Dec 14) but need to find out what is going on.  Busy at home and busy at work...I will be glad when things slow down some..end of the year at work is always stressful.  I find myself a little bitchy and am trying to work on that.  It is a full-time job keeping me in clothes that fit but oh I am so loving it.  I never dreamed I would be worried about loose skin and flab and such..I kept saying oh just get the weight off of me and I deal with everything else...ha...I want it all.  I have loss close to 70lbs and I already know that I am not going to be happy having the loose skin...where will the money come from....I never really believed that I would have to worry about it...guess I didnt believe that it would work as it has....oh me of little faith...hope everyone had a great turkey day...I know for one...I am so very thankful. 


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Rainier, WA
Sep 30, 2008
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