
Jun 25, 2007

I can't believe next week  - February 12th, 2008 will be my 7 year Weight Loss Surgery Anniversary.  This was by far, the best thing I EVER did for myself and my family.  I feel like I'm a better wife and mom. I'm fortunate enough to now work for the surgeon who did my RNY.  Truly a great man and an awesome bariatric team that I am priviledged to be a part of!

Six Years Ago...

Feb 13, 2007

Wow - it's hard to believe that six years ago yesterday (the 12th of February), I was recovering from my Lap RNY.  I can't believe what having this surgery has done for me.  If anyone would have told me what changes would have happened in my life during these six years, I wouldn't have believed them.  There have been the positives - of course, losing all the weight and KEEPING IT OFF!  The positive of now working as a Bariatric Coordinator in Sacramento and helping soooo many people go through this process.  The negatives of the impact on my marriage and it's ups and downs - a daily work in progress still today!  As I tell my patients - my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.  I had this surgery at age 38 - and I am so much healthier now.  My oldest child is a senior in high school and I feel like I missed so much of her younger days by not doing those "fun" activities that my youngest got the benefit of with a "thin" mom.  I can't take those days back - but can just look to the future.  

I will be forever greatful to my surgeon and his skilled hands, and my dietician who I still look to advice from today.  My words of wisdom would be for people to stay connected to their support groups and to their surgeon and MOST IMPORTANTLY - THEIR DIETICIAN.  I know that I could have failed this, but I chose to stay focused.  I've tried to teach my children that life is about choices - and I choose daily to stay healthy!

Blessings to all who take the time to read this and until next time...


About Me
Carmichael, CA
Sep 30, 2004
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Six Years Ago...
