New and nervous

Jul 29, 2010

I am just getting into the real nuts and bolts of this process, although I have been considering having the procedure done for several years.  I have seen the nurse for initial testing, inspirometry, ECG, basic questions, had routine labs done, seen the psychologist, and the Internist.  I will have to see a cardiologist next week because there is a small squiggle on my ECG, (yes, I am certain that is the exact medical term for it!!)  Nothing I am worried about, but it all has to be worked out.  I will be seeing the surgeon on Monday and if I check out - and my insurance believes that the year plus of monitored diet and exercise program that I did 3+ years ago fits their criterion, I should be able to head to the OR by the end of August or beginning of September.  So, I will be having the gastric bypass, didn't feel that the lap-band was best for me.  I am in it for all the right reasons, but don't have a lot of support, since I don't really have many friends who would understand the need and the mind-set about having bariatric surgery.  I don't have family nearby, and none of them are overweight, so it must be just my personal "failings" so if you are in that boat, you know what that is about.  I suppose it isn't any easier when it is "just the way it is in this family" either.  Not that I think my friends  are shallow, just that some of them are in the "just exercise more" way of thinking, which is fine when you have 20# to lose, but the argument falls apart when it is 75-100-200 ...... it is a whole other ballgame.  I haven't really talked to my family except for my husband and one of my 3 kids, because I have a feeling it will be an unpleasant conversation.  I will do it if all things fall into place and I can get scheduled.  I don't want to do it if I have to wait another 6 months for the surgery due to insurance issues.      
     So there is my recent life story, I would love some input, some reaction, some advice, some comments about how you have and wouldn't have dealt with family, friends, etc.     Thanks for reading!


About Me
Corunna, MI
Jul 29, 2010
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