First Post op appointment

Mar 12, 2009

Hello everyone.  Well I had my surgery on February 23rd and everything went really well. I came home the next day and that is when I started feeling sore. After the first week the soreness went away. On my second week I was walking 1 mile a day and felt really good after wards. This is my third week and my appointment with Dr. J was today. I am very happy to say that since surgery I lost 29 pounds. I was really happy about that but most of all I am now on soft foods. I have been on liquids since February 13th. I have my next appointment in 3 weeks and hopefully I will continue to be on the losers bench. Thanks everyone for all the support it really comes in handy.

2/19/2009 4 days til surgery

Feb 19, 2009

Hello everyone. Well I am on day 8 of the liquid diet. I have done well. I have not cheated. Don't get me wrong I felt like I wanted to but I did not. I have to continue to think about my long term goals. Today I have to go and weight myself and contact the doctors office with an update on my weight. As of Monday I weighted 370 pounds. I was down 7 pounds from last week on Thursday I was at 377. Everyone keeps asking me am I getting excited and for some reason I have not started to get excited. I guess because of the disappointment that I had last week. Once I get to Sunday and my family and I go to Houston then I think maybe reality will hit. I know that I am ready for this new journey. I will be writing soon. Please continue to pray for me.

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Feb 14, 2009

Hello everyone. Well I have some bad news and some good news. My surgery was scheduled for February 16, 2009 but has been rescheduled for February 23, 2009. I went to my Pre-op appointment everything went fine. Then when I went to my doctors appointment he wanted me to loose 10 more pounds. I started out in October at 393 pounds. When I met with the nutritionist the second week in January I was put on a 1200 calorie diet. From the time I saw the nutritionist til now I had lost 16 pounds I am now 377. So now I am on a liquid diet. My first day was hard but today I am doing much better. I was disappointed but I understand that God does things for a reason. The good news is my surgery is next week so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Honestly I was sad I kept telling my self when I was at the doctors office " Your going to cry when you get in the car" but I didn't I just have my mind set on the liquid diet and following what the doctor has asked me to do. If everyone could please keep me in your prayers this liquid diet is off the chain but I am hanging in.

It's all most that time!!!!!! Thank God

Feb 10, 2009

Ok, the moment that I have been waiting for. I found out on Friday February 6th that my surgery date is Monday February 16th. My pre-test for surgery is this week on Thursday. I am so excited and at the same time nervous. I have put my faith in God that everything will go well, and I believe it will. The new me is approaching fast and I am not sure I will know what to do with that new person. It’s a daily battle for me and with Gods help; I know that I can do all things because he strengthens me. After all I didn't get to be 393 pounds over night! So continue to pray for me as I pray for everyone on this board to be able to Trust in the Lord at all times and lean not to our own understanding but in all our ways, to acknowledge him so he can direct our paths! This journey is certainly different from anything I've ever done. I've never had major surgery and I've never done anything this extreme. I believe that God will give me the strength and will to successfully go through this. Speaking of God I love Him with all of my heart! Thank you Jesus for life, health and strength! For being in my right mind and for peace. You've been better to me than I could ever be to myself. Thank you for your unconditional love and for your many mercies that are extended to me daily. Thank you for salvation that secures eternal life with you. Thank you so Jesus' Name!


I will be posting pictures in a few days.

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A New Start To a New Beginning

Dec 24, 2008

My name is Tracie and I’m 33 years old. I, like most of you, have been overweight most of my life. I have said in the past that I would never have a gastric bypass because I thought it was too drastic and I believed that I could lose the weight without it.  Well, I have changed my mind.  I have been doing a lot of research and soul searching, and I have decided that this is the right thing for me to do and I believe I will do great with it.  There is a beautiful, healthy woman inside me that is screaming to get out and I am tired of listening to her cries. I have decided to get the help I need to become the person I am meant to be.  I would be lying if I said this doesn't scare me a little, but it absolutely terrifies me to think of becoming so heavy that I become disabled or might die.  I feel that the benefits far outweigh the risks at this point. I am looking forward to that day when I won’t feel uncomfortable sitting in stadium seating & at the movies. I want be able to walk and not get outta breath, I don’t want to have to worry about fitting in booths at restaurants or worry if the chairs will hold me, I want to shop at "NORMAL" stores without the "PLUS SIZE" clothes. I am a strong Christian so I am content that God is with me in this. I'm doing this for ME. I do believe that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13.  I have started this site so family & friends can follow my weight loss journey with me!!! So wish me luck and keep me in your prayers.  


Dec 23, 2008

This is one of the "BEST" days of my life. I just found out that I have been approved!!!!! I am so excited but still can't belive it. I was approved on 12/16/2008. This is just a wonderful Christmas gift.

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Elgin, TX
Oct 13, 2008
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