Sherri B. 19 years, 4 months ago

Just posting on Tracy's progress. She had a rough couple of days but is now 8 days post-op and doing very well. She is having some difficulty getting her protein in but is trying very hard. I believe she has already lost over 10lbs. So that is great. Tracy is up and walking...very little pain...and tires easily. But overall is doing fantastic. Dr. Scott and his staff are wonderful! Sandy O, thankyou so much for your encouragement and phone calls. This is a wonderful messageboard,full of great information. I'm very proud of Tracy and her determination to do well. Thanks to all, Sherri

Carolyn F. 19 years, 4 months ago

Tracy..Congratulations on the sucess of your surgery. I am new to this board and still awaiting my approval letter for surgery but I wanted to wish you well on your journey.

Cyndi M. 19 years, 4 months ago

Tracy, so good to hear you made it through your surgery and are doing well, I love to hear such good reports. Many prayers going your way for a speedy recovery. Huggsssssss Cyndi M.

blessed2bhere 19 years, 4 months ago

Tracy made it through surgery today and is doing wonderfully. I spoke to her mother about 5pm eastern time and she said Tracy just got back to her room. She took a little while to come out of recovery but she is in good spirits now. Yea, pca morphine drip! I will be calling to check on Tracy again tomorrow! I hope you all show her how proud we are of her and happy we are she is doing well! Her support page address is Blessings to you all, and Tracy I love you my friend and I am so glad you came through surgery well! Sandy O. -66

c&j's Maw-Maw 19 years, 4 months ago

Tracy - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS TO YOU! I wish for you a quick and easy surgery with surgeons/medical staff guided by the very hands of God! I know that God will send his angels to surround and protect you so that you will have a safe outcome. I wish you NO complications and a quick, easy and uneventful recovery! God bless you! Kandy

picklesnan 19 years, 4 months ago

I pray that God and His angels surround you and your doctors. See you on the losing side! Blessings,

Mad Scientist 19 years, 4 months ago

Tracy, wishing you a speedy recovery and best wishes on your upcoming surgery. God bless.

French Q. 19 years, 4 months ago

Hi Tracy! I wanted to wish you the best of luck with your surgery! I hope you have a great recovery and you get lots of that MUCH needed rest! Take it easy and you'll be a 'loser' before you know it! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers! xo Aimée

Susi Q. 19 years, 4 months ago

Tracy, I'm praying for you and your family! I'll be waiting to hear from you when you are a LOOSER! Big Hugs, Susi

Sallykate Losing Weight 19 years, 4 months ago

Hey Tracy, Just wanted to wish you well! Just think of where you will be and what will be able to do this time next year! Prayers and blessings being sent your way... Hugs, Sallykate
About Me
Cedar Creek, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2005
Member Since
