I've Made A Decision

Nov 13, 2008

I've made my decision I'm gonna stay on the job I have. I'm afraid if I take the other one I will not do well because of my arthritis. They will want to get rid of me. So I'm gonna try to stick with it. If they fire me, they fire me. I just will draw my unemployment. Maybe they will change everything soon. I'm gonna wait it out and see. Well, enough of this. I will have to do the best I can with the hand I'm delt. Updates Later ..........

My Job?

Nov 12, 2008

When I last posted I said I was gonna talk about my job. Well, I'm getting to the point that I hate to go to work. They have changed so many things in the last year. That what was a good job is now nothing but a stressful mess. They were trying to cut costs by changing a few things. Which is understandable with the economy. We used to run 4 machines. Which wasn't bad at all. Now we run 8 machines. We have more tasks than we used to when we had 4 machines. We are so stressed out, stretched out and worn out. Some days I feel like I haven't accomplished anything. They've also sped up the machines to produce at a faster rate. Which would be good except the machines weren't built to run that fast and they breakdown, it also causes many defects. Which causes more work for the operators and the mechanics. And More Stress. I don't mind the work but I just feel overwhelmed. Then the other day one of my machines was making a defect and it was not getting in to my sample box. So I did not detect the defect. But QA didn't either. Then the defects were found in the box that go to printing. So needless to say I got written up for this. When the defects went all the way back on to the previous shift. They didn't see the defects either. I was the only one who had gotten written up. Fair? No! I do not fix the machines and if the defects don't get into my sample box how can I know if they are in the other boxes? I'm thinking about taking another job. I may have to take a pay cut or they my freeze my pay. The job is more physical but way less stressful. I'm very seriously thinking of taking that job. I may have to change shifts. Oh well. I'm just tired of being so stressed out. My nerves just won't take much more of the stress. I planned on working about 5 more years. Then all my bills will be paid off. I will have only the monthly bills. I have a few ideas on a few things I would like to do after I retire from my job. I don't know if I want to stick it out to see what happens with my regular or just take the other job. I've got to let him know this weekend. I've to do some soul searching and figure what is best for me. This company preaches "team work" but they forget that we are the team. Right now it's all about the dollars for them. Reguardless of what we have to endure. Just isn't right. Some times they make me feel like I'm a child or back in school. If we have defects we have to stay after work to go to these meetings to explain what we did to correct the issue. I call it staying after school. That's what it feels like.  Most everyone over me are younger than I am. It's not that I want their job. I just wish they wouldn't treat me like I'm a child. That's what made me decide to retire early. I'm tired of their crap. They may eat, sleep and live the company but I don't. The company has changed so much in the last 3 or 4 years it's not the same. We used to get Christmas gifts, choose out of a catalog now we get NADA. When we gave to the united way if we gave a certain amount we would get 1 or 2 days vacation. Now that's gone. So this year no one wants to give to the united way. So more people than the employees suffer. It's just greed on the companies part. That's what happens to large corporations. I liked it better before we merged with Pfizer. Greedy, greedy company. I'm surprised we don't have numbers on our uniforms instead of names. Because that is what we are to them a number. Well, enough gripeing. I just got to make up my mind. Later..........

New Size Already !

Nov 07, 2008

   I can't believe the 16's are too big already. I just got them. I went and bought 1 pair of 14's and they fit. I haven't lost any more pounds but the inches are coming off. I think it's because my belly is shrinking. I may not have to have a pani after all. The way it is now I can deal with it. I had a little round belly even when I weighed 120. So I'm used to it. I still can't get used to the flat tire boobs though. I will get the girls fixed. I've had big boobs all my life and deflated DD's aren't good. I don't want to go back to the DD's but maybe a large C or small D. As long as they are full and not deflated. Also I want to get them the same size. Not one almost a size larger than the other. Even. That will be great as for as getting bras to fit. Enough of the boob talk.      
   Back to the pants. I think what I will do is take up those 16's so I won't have to buy any more for awhile. I can put a dart or 2 in the waist and take up on the leg seams. Or heck I can have a yard sale and sell them and buy more new ones. I've become a shopaholic of sorts.
   I've gottten my hubby to build to storage cabinet all my Sugar Free syrups, Icecream makers and all my WLS foods and Protein Powders. I have so much stuff cramed into my other cabinet it was a health hazard to open the doors.Could end up with a broken toes or foot. This one is about twice the size of my old one. Now I will have plenty of room for all my stuff. Good thing hubby is a carpenter. Well, that's about it for now. I could go on and on but I will stop for now. Next time I will be talking about work.  Later..........

New Clothes

Oct 30, 2008

    I went to day to try on some new clothes. I was wearing women's size 16. They are starting to get big. So I went to see what "regular size" clothes I would wear. Not in the women's size. I got a regular 16. They fit my legs alot better. I didn't try on a 14 because the 16 fit good. I have big hip bones and I wasn't wanting to have a second skin. So I went with the regular 16. It has been about about 21 years since I've been able to wear anything below a 16. Hey, I'm happy with the regular 16, it'a a heck of alot better than a size 26. Cheaper too. I got regular size 16 for $16 and the 26's are about $26 or more. I got some long sleeve shirts too. I could have gotten large but I don't like my shirts to fit tight so I got an XL for comfort. Those were $7. Not too bad.
   I'm still at a stall but the inches are still coming off apparently. I had to get smaller clothes. I still have 35 pounds to reach my goal and 22 for Dr's goal. But I'm happy with the size I am. So I feel like my surgery is a success. I'm glad I made the decision to have WLS.

Measuring up?

Oct 10, 2008

I figured it was time to measure again. I measured the last time in July. So here are the results.

Breast     43
Waist      35 1/2
Hips        43 1/2
R leg       21 1/2
L leg       22
R calf      15
L calf       15 1/2
R arm       12
L arm       12 1/2
R forearm   10
L forearm    10
Neck            13
I've lost 14 1/2 inches since last measuring. Total inches lost since surgery 46 inches. Total pounds since surgery 74. Total weight loss 121 pounds. (47 before surgery). I need to get my measurements from Dr.'s office to see total inches lost from before surgery to now.
What gets me, I've lost 1/2 in. more from my neck. What's up with that? I hope I don't lose anymore on my neck, I'll be looking like Olive Oyl. Well, that's it for now.......... Later.

In the 170's

Sep 28, 2008

I'm in the 170's now. 178 I hope I can get to the 160's soon. I'm not to far from Dr.'s goal. His goal is 153. My personal goal is somewhere between 140 and 150. I'm just so glad to be 178 it's alot better than 298. I've lost 120 pounds total. I lose slow but it's still coming off. My tool is still working. YAY, for me. Later.......

6 Month Check Up

Sep 04, 2008

Yesterday I had my 6 mo. checkup with Dr. Bour. He said, all my labs were good.  Yay! He said, I'm right on target with my weight loss. I've lost 60% of my weight. He told me to keep doing what I'm doing because I'm right with the program and on track with the weight loss. He said, if it ain't broke don't fix it. So I'm gonna keep doing what I've been doing. He told me to keep up the good work. It made me feel good to know that all my labs were good. I saw the dietition also. She said. I was doing really good but she wanted me to take some vitamin D that it was a little low on one panel test. So that's not bad. My iron was ok. My cholesterol was 157. I couldn't believe it was that good. Mine has always been close to 200 or alittle over. I got a copy of my labs to take to my PCP so she could see the results. They do labs but not as detailed. So now this is a big relief that everything is on target. Now that my hip is getting better I'm gonna have to step up my walking and do some exercise also. Well that's about it. Later.........

I'm in the 180's !

Aug 04, 2008

I finally made it to the 180's. 187 to be exact. I was having some trouble holding fluids. I took a lasix and off came that build up of fluid. I have trouble with edema in my legs. I noticed Friday that my capris felt a little snug on my calves. That's why, the fluid build up. I didn't think I was ever gonna get past the 191, I was weighing. But yeah I did. Till Later.......

I Got New Jeans !

Aug 02, 2008

I finally got past that stall. I've lost 4 lbs. I got my hair cut it's still long but not super long like before. Today I bought new jeans ....... size 16. Yeah! I've been wearing my size 20's and they were really getting baggy. So I've came from a size 26-24 to a 16. So the inches does make a difference too. My total weight loss now is 107 lbs. I still got a way to go. I will get there eventually.  Later.........

The Dreaded Stall...

Jul 18, 2008

Well, I'm in another dreaded stall. I'm still losing inches. I measured the day before my surgery and I've been trying to check every month to see the inches lost. To date I've lost the total of 31 1/2 inches. I thought it was kinda funny that I've lost 2 in. off my neck. I didn't think my neck was that fat. 
Bust ---From 48 to 44
Waist --from 45 to 39 1/2
Hips ---from 54 to 47
 R Leg ...26 1/2 to 22 1/2
  L leg ....26 1/2 to 23
R calf ....17 to 15 1/2
L calf .....17 1/2 to 16
R arm ....15 to 13
L arm ....14 1/2 to 13
R forearm ... 11 to 10 1/2
L forearm ...11 to 10 1/2
Neck .........15 1/2 to 13 1/2
So it goes to show you if you aren't losing pounds you are losing inches. I guess my body is trying to catch up to the pounds lost. 102 lbs. Total .... before and after surgery. Now I want to see some more pounds come off. I guess it is better to lose slowly than to not lose at all. Later.......

About Me
Waterloo, SC
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2007
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