7 Days Post Op

Feb 22, 2011

Happy Tuesday...  1 week post procedure and I am doing okay... Feel tired but really positive about my chosen direction.  I am not hungry.  I am getting in all of my water and today I will go to the gymn and sign up for a membership.  I know I am not ready to do much-- I wear out walking to the end of the cul de sac but I also know it is going to be better.  I feel a bit tired... coughed all night last night and that wears you out.  I wonder if I am having some pneumonia?  Fever responds easily to the tylenol.  Just one more obstacle to being a healthy person... I will be there.

Beginning of Day 2/Clear liquids

Feb 12, 2011

Feeling pretty good.  Did not get hungry til around midnight-- lesson there.. GO To bed earlier.  Weight today was 246.4.  WOW.  Feels good to have been in control, made good choices and am looking forward to this.  I walke a very long distance yesterday and am looking for a nice eliptical for my front room today.  Have a great deal to do.. and am excitied about doing it and doing it well.  Down Side-- I am afraid that Dale does not want to get healthy with me and that he is not going to be here for the long haul.  Hope he can improve his energy level.

clears Day 1

Feb 12, 2011

I have now finished day 1 of clear liquids in preparation for my surgery on 2/15/11.  I am feeling optimistic and tonight am a bit more hungry.  I weighed 248.2 this am.  Am  hoping to be down some more...  and feeling very strong.

Last weekend before the Clears

Feb 04, 2011

I am getting nervous, excited and hopeful.  I have lost weight and I am feeling good..  I know that this is the last weekend for dinner out for a LONG time.  Dale and I are going to try to have our Valentines celebration over the weekend this weekend because we know that we are going to be on clear liquid on 2/14/11.  Surgery at 730am at Pres/St Lukes in Denver and on to a new me.  This weekend I am going to to go shop for my sugar free clears.  Am totally off coffee and Diet pepsi.  It has been an easy transition retrospectively.  Water has replaced both and crystal lite mixes have made me feel like I am getting flavor when I want it.  SO here's to a weekend of good choices and dinner with my HONEY.

tryin to figure it all out

Jan 31, 2011

I am sitting here working on planning for post operative care.  I looked as several supplement catalogs online, have tried some of the samples provided by the dietician at my class on the 27th.  My nerves have been so bad I chewed off all my acrylic nails yesterday and I am having headaches... wonder how much of that is due to the lack of diet Pepsi that I used to drink in excess.  I feel great that I have been able to break that habit and am very happy that I am making better choices.  I am nervous about the clear liquid phase.. but I know I will be successful.  I so wish I had my mom and daughter to talk to, even my sister would be some healp because she is a health nut and knows what keeps her SLIM. 
I thank God fro my friend Jules who is here and supportive of me and my decisions.  She is also going to take the time to work from my home office while I am in the first week of recovery so that I am not alone.  I am so thankful for her. 
I am afraid that Dale is going to not deal with my new healthy outlook and he is going to have a hard time with me being in better physical shape...  I just pray that it does not hurt our relationship.
Well enough negative energy... I am going to be exceptional and I am going to be HEALTHY and Fit... I want to enjoy life not one bite at a time but one breath in front of another...

Building support system

Jan 23, 2011

I have made my decision and am ready for the journey.  I want so badly to be the person on the outside that I am on the inside, a woman with good health and happiness.  I have a job I love but I need to learn to to make myself active while doing my loved sedentary job.  My journey to good health is going to be long road but I keep telling myself that my new life will have so many positive feelings attached to it that I can figure out how to add excercise and activity.   Dale is supportive of my deicision to have the surgery even though he does not understand how I could take the risk he has committed to helping me as I journey forward toward good health and a slimmer, strong body.
My friend Jules has battled the weight as well and will be an awesome support.  I plan to tell few people what I am doing.  I am a work at home nurse so most of my peers rarely see me so when we have a meeting at the office after the surgery they might notice less of me.  I also plan to tell my friend Charlie who has thought about lap band due to his battle with his weight.  He will be an awesome support and I have valued his support for so long that I cannot imagine doing this without him.
My challenge is that my family has basically decided to separate themselves from me totally.  That is hard so I am making myself a new modern family because family is in your heart and they are your support system.. and if my biological family can't support me I will build a family here and within my circle of friends.  So my countdown begins and I am trying to change habits and learn to drink water before.  I am weaning off diet soda and plan to be caffiene free before surgery.  HERE I COME... NEW BODY, NEW Attitude and NEW LIFE habits...

About Me
Bennett, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 22, 2011
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 6
