I'm sure my story is not much different than most.  I am 40 years old, married to a great guy and have two wonderful boys. (Ages 20 and 17)  Growing up I had a little bit of a problem with weight but about the last 15 years I just can't seem to get it under control.  I started looking into surgery in 2003 but was diagnosed with a severe lung problem so the surgery was put on hold, and of course I gained more weight.  January of 2006 I started on my journey again.  This time I made it all the way to waiting on the hospital to become a center of excellence only to be told that I was considered high risk and they had decieded not to do my surgery.  By accident I ran across an ad for the Cleveland Clinic and Dr.Chand.  Thank god for unanswered prayers......I contacted the Clinic and attented the seminar August of 2006.  My weight that day was at an all-time high of 294.  I underwent lots and lots of testing and Dr.Chand agreed to do my surgery.  I needed to lose 17 lbs. before surgery.  My surgery was scheduled for January 4. 2007 and I weighed 271.  I had lost 23 lbs.  My surgery went GREAT!!!  I needed to stay in Cleveland 7 days because I live in WV.  I have had NO problems and I feel wonderful.  Today is 12 weeks since surgery and I weigh 225.  That is 69 lbs total and 46 lbs. since surgery. I would do it again in a heart beat.

About Me
Liberty, WV
Aug 28, 2006
Member Since
