Been home a few days now, surgery info and maybe TMI.

Oct 28, 2010

Had surgery on October 22ND.  Surgery was supposed to be at 1:30, but didn't happen until 4:30.  An emergency surgery had to take place before mine, so that didn't do much for my psyche.  They wheeled this woman next to me in her bed and she was saying how she was released from her gastric bypass and on the way home her stomach was swelling and she was having incredible pain.  She was brought via ambulance to the hospital.  Again hearing all this right before I am supposed to go in, wasn't the greatest and talk about having second thoughts!  They took her in and I believe they were going to to scope her to see what was up.  I hope everything with her turned out alright, she was certainly in my prayers.  I didn't end up backing out and had surgery!!!!  Friday night was some of the worst pain I have ever felt.  I have had 2 c-sections and a gall bladder removed and for day 1 pain, it took the award.  I take daily pain meds, so getting my pain under control was a bit difficult.  They ended up upping my morphine from 1 to 1.5 every ten minutes and then I was able to rest.  The next day was better and the morphine pump was definitely my friend.  I did walk in the wee hours of the morning and the nurse was telling me I was one of her most independent patients.  I would just get up, unplug everything and go, then plug myself back in again.  The evening of day 2 I ended up having some bm's.  Guess they were a bit concerned about bleeding internally as this is supposedly unusual.  Turned out it was old blood needing somewhere to go.  Figures I would be an overachiever in the BM department.  Well due to this and some extra nausea the surgeon kept me an extra day.  I guess better safe than sorry, but my back, neck, and shoulders were killing me from the hospital bed.  Made it home Monday afternoon and took measurements.  I know I should have done it before hand, but didn't have the time.  I have been doing OK with my liquids but have only been able to get down 1 protein drink/day, but I am working on it.  My husband made homemade chicken broth and that was really good.  I am getting around pretty good and should probably be napping more often than I am.
I was supposed to follow up with the surgeon today, but he called in sick and now I won't see him until next Thursday!!!  I guess that also means I can't even move to soft foods for another week.  I am not hungry, but some cottage cheese or eggs would be great just to have something with some substance.
This has been a long rambling post, but wanted to get something on here. 

Very happy to be on the other side and would definitely do it again.  For any pre-op reading this, yes there was pain, but it goes away.


About Me
Hesperia, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 01, 2009
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