August 25th, 2009

Aug 25, 2009

Here I am again.  Had my appointment yesterday for clearance from the cardiologist.  Guess what?  He cleared me!!!!!!!   I was so overjoyed, I started crying right there in his office.  He went over everything with me as far as the risks and all with the anesthesia due to my heart and all.  I am considered a high risk patient for surgery.  But this is my last and only chance to get this weight off. 
Now I have my 6th and last supervised diet check in with my PCP on 8-28-09.  And then I have my nutrition consult, and psych eval on 8-31-09.  Then from there, just wait for  insurance approval.  I am so close I can feel the excitement inside me.  But the best part, is that I am calm.  I haven't felt this calmness in such a long time.  And it feels good!


July 27, 2009

Jul 27, 2009

Well I go for my 5th month supervised diet appointment tomorrow.  I feel that I lost weight, clothes are feeling loose.  But time will tell.  I don't weigh myself on my home scale, cause it is always different from my doctor's.  So this is why I let my clothes be the judge of my weight loss. 
So far everything is still going as planned with my journey, and I am right on track.  At least I think so.  And I am so ready to only go forward with this.

July 27, 2009

Jul 27, 2009

Well I go for my 5th month supervised diet appointment tomorrow.  I feel that I lost weight, clothes are feeling loose.  But time will tell.  I don't weigh myself on my home scale, cause it is always different from my doctor's.  So this is why I let my clothes be the judge of my weight loss. 
So far everything is still going as planned with my journey, and I am right on track.  At least I think so.  And I am so ready to only go forward with this.

July 22, 2009

Jul 22, 2009

Well here I am again.  I met with several surgeons to see if I could do the RNY.  They were from different practices, so none of them had time to confer with the other.  With my health conditions such as coronary artery heart disease, 2 stents, type 2 diabetes, GERD, and a slew of others, they all felt that I was too much of a high risk for the RNY, and the amount of time being under anethesia.  They also said that losing too fast would add an extra shock to my system.  They all do and prefer the RNY, this is why I went to them.  But in the end, came up with the same result.  Would not do the RNY on me.  So here I am back to having my original surgery decision again.  I am ok with it.  My family I think is relieved with the decision.  I know this is supposed to be my decision, and it is.  I just had to explore my options.  Isn't this is what life is all about?  Explore all options! 
I am right on track with my goals, and that makes me happy.  Happy that with all my comorbidities I can still have surgery.  Happy to have this site to come to and read other peoples stories and share in their trials and tribulations and learn new things along the way. Wish other sites were more like this, with real people, and not people that put you down.
Thanks OH!!!!

July 14, 2009

Jul 14, 2009

Well I went and met with my surgeon yesterday.  I mentioned that I am leaning more towards the RNY than the Lapband.  I don't think she was happy with my decision.  She said she would do it if that is the way I wanted to go, but with my health and all, thinks I would do better with the Lapband.  I said I would leave the decision up to her and what is best for my health. 
When my fiancee  and I got home, we went over all the good things and the bad things, the consequences, and the risks of both surgeries.  He is very supportive in my choice no matter what I make.  And his concern for my well being and all is 1st and foremost in his thinking.  I asked him point blank which I should do, and he told me he would feel more comfortable if I went with my 1st choice, which is the Lapband.  
So I am going to go ahead with the lapband and take it from there.  
I scheduled my nutrition and psych eval for August 31st.  At this time, I have this month and next month to finish my 6 month supervised Diet.  I need to get cardiac clearance from my cardiologist, a chest x-ray, ekg, and records of old ekg's and stress tests.  As for my upper GI they can use the one I had done earlier this year.  
So I am right on track with everything that needs to be done to meet my goal for August 2009.  Then I can go and schedule surgery once and for all.  

July 12, 2009

Jul 12, 2009

Well I go meet with the surgeon tomorrow, to see what other tests I need to complete before my surgery.  My boyfriend Kevin is going with me for support.  He has been great during my whole ordeal here so far.  He is also trying so hard to learn what I am going to be going thru after my surgery as well.  I love him to pieces for it, even though I have a wierd way of showing it. 
I am nervous as all get out on this due to my health and all.  I am just hoping that the doctor can perform my surgery so I can start living life like it should be lived. 
I went to have the surgery back in 2004, but my insurance had changed, so it never happened.  At that time, my PCP only gave me 2 years to live.  Skip ahead to 2009, I am still here, but still in hopes of having WLS.  I know it isn't going to be a quick fix, but I am ready to use the tool to the best of my ability, and hopefully lose some of my medication.  That is the big thing.  I take 10 pills a day, insulin shots, and I just want to be rid of most, if not all of it. 
One good thing about tomorrow, I already had my stress test, gyne exam, upper GI.  So that leaves psych, nutritionist, sleep study, and possibly a mammogram (going by what I needed in 2004).  I had passed all of them the last time.  Maybe this time, I think the sleep study is going to have a different outcome, though. 
Oh well, enough for now, don't want to wig out for no reason right now.  Just take it one day at a time!

July 5, 2009

Jul 05, 2009

Well, I first met my surgeon at the informational meeting back in February.  I go meet with her again July 13th.  I am looking forward to this, but at the same time nervous as well.  I don't know what her response is going to be like when I tell her I am leaning towards the RNY now instead of the lapband.
I talked to my PCP about this during my last visit, and he doesn't think there should be an issue with it.  Besides being morbidly obese, there are other co-morbidities against me.  I have type 2 diabetes, heart disease, 2 stents, and high blood pressure.
I know in my heart I want the RNY, but if the surgeon feels the lapband is the best way to go, then I will be ok with it.   

My Journey To The Other Side!!!!!

Jul 03, 2009

I am looking forward to this journey and sharing with everyone here.  I attended an informational meeting back in February, and started on my 6 month Dr. Supervised Diet in March.  So far so good.  I checked with the insurance company, and they will pay 100% for the RNY, and 90% for the Lapband.  When I went to the meeting in February, my heart was set on the Lapband.  But after further research and all, I am now leaning towards the RNY. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2009
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