Jul 05, 2006

My weight is holding steady at 145. I have been so busy, that I have not
had time to post. Everything is going great with no problems.


Mar 21, 2006

Well I have managed to gain a few pounds, that's depressing. I know it's because I have not been getting enough protein in and too many carbs.

Well my husband got release from the hospital yesterday around 11:00 AM. I can't not believe that they released him 24 hours later!! Totally unbelievable. I had to stay for 3 freaking days. It totally sucked too. My husband said that the nurses were nice to him. I'm glad, or I would have had to kick some nurses butt's :) He seems to be doing really well. He's already down to 254. I think when he was admitted to the hospital he was at 261. I'm so thankful that he was able to get through this without any complications, I just hope it stays that way. Well that's all for now.


Mar 18, 2006

Well tomorrow is the my husbands surgery. I'm so nervous for him. God I hope everything goes well. He's done really well with his liquid diet. I'm very proud of him for trying to stick with it. My mother-n-law is here to help with the children, thank goodness for her being here. My son's game got canceled this weekend due to lightening. That was a major bummer for him. He was really pumped up about playing. So it have been re-scheduled for Thursday evening. I hope Eldon will be out of the hospital in time for the game. He's not missed one of his games since he started playing football 2 years ago, I just know it will devastate him if he has to miss this one. Well I post tomorrow with his status of surgery.

By the way, the pictures of the clock several post above was a gift I made for my mom's birthday who lives in California. I wish I could be there more often, but it's not that that easy for me to do. We are looking forward to going and visiting my family there in the later part of this coming June. I love you MOM, trust me you are never forgotten.

Take care all.

Weigh in: 149

Mar 15, 2006

Well I lost 2 lbs so far being on liquids. Heres how my day went with the liquids:
Breakfast: 1 Huge Protein & Coffe Shake
Lunch: 1 Soup at hand Velvety Potatoe
Afternoon Lunch: 1 Soup at Hand New England Clam Showder
Drinks: 3 16 oz flavored waters, 2 sugar free red bull, 1 cup of coffee.
Dinner: 1 Huge Banna & Vanilla Protein Shake.
Late night snake: 5 pieces of Beef Jerkey and 1 Sausage Link.

As you can see by night time came around I could not control the head hunger. I actually had hunger pains in my pouch. I tried to stick with just protein. I'm trying to stick with it today, but it's already getting hard on me. I'm finding myself board and wanting to eat because of it. I figure If I can get down to 155 it will all be worth it.

More later. Take care.

Weigh in: 157

Feb 24, 2006

Well I lost 2 lbs so far being on liquids. Heres how my day went with the liquids:
Breakfast: 1 Huge Protein & Coffe Shake
Lunch: 1 Soup at hand Velvety Potatoe
Afternoon Lunch: 1 Soup at Hand New England Clam Showder
Drinks: 3 16 oz flavored waters, 2 sugar free red bull, 1 cup of coffee.
Dinner: 1 Huge Banna & Vanilla Protein Shake.
Late night snake: 5 pieces of Beef Jerkey and 1 Sausage Link.

As you can see by night time came around I could not control the head hunger. I actually had hunger pains in my pouch. I tried to stick with just protein. I'm trying to stick with it today, but it's already getting hard on me. I'm finding myself board and wanting to eat because of it. I figure If I can get down to 155 it will all be worth it.

More later. Take care.

Weigh in: 159

Feb 23, 2006

OK now I'm getting made! I have gained 2 more lbs this week. I'm starting to feel like a failure now. I started running this week, I've been 2 times so far and plan on going either today or tomorrow. I also have started the liquid diet today. So far I have had a huge coffee protein shake. It was good, but my head hunger is getting to me. Especially because my 2 year old keeps shoving Cheeto's in my face wanting me to eat with her. If I could stay on this liquid diet until Monday that would be great! Wish me luck. Well that's all for now. Take care all.

Weigh in: 157

Feb 15, 2006

I gained 2 lbs back. Doesn't surprise me much with the way I have been eating lately. Well my husband was approved by Tricare in 1 day. I can't believe I had to go through so much insurance hassle and he gets it approved in 1 day. I am so happy for him. His surgery is scheduled for March 20th. Who ever thought that our WLS anniversary dates would be only 10 days apart from each other. Thats kind of neat. He has a EGD scheduled for March 6th. She said that could change because it's not a confirmed date. If they can't get him in on that date the it will push his surgery date back. I created him a profile, you can find the link to it at the top of my profile under my links. Oh yeah, how do you like my new profile? I changed it up a bit. Its still a work in progress. I did my hubby's in a Dallas Cowboys theme. I think it turned out pretty good. I plan on going back to the basics with my eating after he has surgey. I figure it will be easier with him eating the same way I do. Well that's all for now. Please show my hubby some support by going to his support page. Take care all.

Weigh in: 155

Feb 13, 2006

Well, I'm finally down to 150. I don't know how I have manage to do it. I pretty much eat normal now. I even eat small amounts of sugar and it doesn't seem to effect me too much. I checked Tricare's web site today and his referral for the surgery has been turned in. It says pending. I think they usually take about 5 days to approve. I hope he gets approved. I will keep you posted. HAVE A HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Weigh in: 158

Feb 07, 2006

 Sorry it's been so long since I have last updated. I'm been busy and just simply forgot. My husband went and did his 2 night sleep study test. They confirmed that he does have sleep apnea. He's suppose to be getting a c-pap machine. So lets recap on his situation. His BMI is 37.5 and he has sleep apnea and hypertension. I hope this will be enough to get him covered by Tricare. Arlean from Dr. Barkers Office (I just love her, she is so very sweet) called yesterday to let Eldon know that they got the paperwork on his sleep study test and that Dr. Barker would be dictating his letter to insurance in the next couple days. She also called today to find out what blood pressure medicine he was taking. This has been the 4th call from them since we started this whole thing. I think this is really great because it shows they really do care about the patients. So now I guess the true waiting game begins for him. I think he should have a response from Tricare within 7 days from the day Dr. Barkers office submits the letter to them. This is not a fact, this is just my guess. 

OK on to me. Well I'm down a couple of more lbs. I'm on my period right now and its pretty bad. Yesterday I had the worse headache and I felt week and dizzy all day long. I'm wondering if my iron level is low and it gets worse when I'm on my period. I started taking my iron and b12 again. Hopefully that will help. I'm going to get me some muli's this weekend. I've been super busy trying to get ready for spring tackle football. I sell sports highlight DVD to the teams and I have to have 200 DVD demos and literature ready by this Saturday for a all day football camp with Nate Newton. I've got a 100 done so far, so I know I will make my deadline. I'm eating like a pig, which scares the hell out of me. I made the mistake to buy 2 boxes of girl scout cookies and put a pretty good dent in them my self. I find myself eating more and more things I shouldn't be, such as pop-tarts, cookies, pasta and so on. I have not started exercising yet either. My husband keeps telling me that he knows my body would tighten up some if I would just exercise. I just can't get myself motivated. Well that's all for now. Take care all.

Weigh in: 160

Jan 18, 2006

Well my husband had his Cardio apt with Dr. Maese today. WOW, did he have to go through way more than what I did at my cardio apt. The apt didn't start off to good. When we were called back by his nurse and she started asking him all these questions and then asked "so your going to have the lap-band?" Eldon told her no that he was going to have the RNY done. She got a massive attitude with him and told him that the RNY was very bad and that she highly recommends the Lap-band. I asked her why and she said that because every person that she has seen had it done had complications and that after 5 years gained all the weight back. I told her that was funny because I had the Gastric Bypass done and that I had no complications and that I rarely seen anyone 5 years out that gained ALL THE WEIGHT BACK. I told her I'm sure that if some don't stick to a healthy life style that it could be expected to gain some of the weight back, but 100 lbs back...I highly doubt it! She got even more snooty with me and said that he was just her personal opinion. I didn't stay for the whole thing, I had the baby with me so I took her to the park to help release some of her energy. When my husbands apt was over with he told me that he was scared to have the surgery now. I asked him why and he said that Dr. Maese got freaky on him. Told him that he "highly did not recommend him having the gastric bypass while having ulcerative colitis". This was strange because we had talked with Dr. Barker about his ulcerative colitis and he said that he didn't see it as a problem. But Dr. Maese was so against it and told him that he HIGHLY RECOMMENDED LAP-BAND. How funny this comes up again. Eldon told him that our insurance doesn't approve it and Dr. Maese told him if he wanted it bad enough he would fight for it, then walked off. So this scared the piss out of my husband. I told him to get on the phone and call Dr. Barker. To much of our surprise Dr. Barker actually got on the phone with my husband to talk with him. Usually Dr.'s with such busy schedules will have their nurse talk with you, but he was nice enough to get on the phone and talk with Eldon. He told Eldon that this was becoming a problem with Dr. Maese. He reassure Eldon that if he did not think it was safe for him to have this procedure done he would have pushed for lap-band in the beginning. He said that Dr. Maese specializes in Lap-band fills and that could be why he was pushing Eldon towards the Lap-band. Think that this is crap of Dr. Maese's office to be this way. Think god we don't have to go back. The good news is that his heart is in good condition. Tomorrow he goes for his sleep study test with Dr. Kayyas. Talk with you later.

About Me
Keller, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 13, 2005
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 66
3 years out
It's been too long...
My first weight gain
I think I'm going to spoil myself...
Weigh in: 135 --- TV Commercial for Dr. Barker
