Twilight New Moon Movie

Welcome to anyone who visits my page.

I haven't had the surgery yet, but god willing once the insurance gives the ok (if the doctors hurry up with their clearance I shall have my operation on the 20th of September. (yay!! almost 2 weeks away)

I am nervous, anxious and excited all in one.

I started this journey with a co-worker of mine when I told her I was thinking about it and she was already in the process. She referred me to the surgeon that I'm visiting with now Dr.Thomas Cerabona.  She also has her surgery scheduled for this month !!! 

I decided it was time for a change! I want to have a healthy long life for my husband, daughter and MYSELF.

So wish me luck, and keep your fingers crossed. I began my journey to a new me.

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About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 5
Stuck :(
Don't see much of a difference
After Surgery
YES!! My insuarance said YES!!!
