Feeling a bit annoyed with myself!

Apr 18, 2009

Ok, so I know that losing 142lbs in 9 months is great going, but I am finding the slowing weight loss frustrating! I know that the further out we are, slower weight loss is inevitable, but I'm probably partly to blame. I am finding it hard to get motivated, and stick to a regular exercise regime no matter how hard I try. Also I often find myself not always making the right choices food wise! I try to cook healthily and have healthy snacks, but I always seem to be on the go, and sometimes don't always make wise choices!

I seriously need to kick myself up the butt and get motivated!! I am planning my meals a week in advance and doing my food shop to make sure I only get what I need, and am going to MAKE time for exercise. I was thinking of investing in some time with a personal trainer to get me on the right track. I have 40+lbs to lose to get to my goal,and I am determined I WILL get there!

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