Trying to get off the pot!!

Dec 31, 2009

It seems as though I am always looking for that quick fix, that diet, that surgery,heck even that revission to make myself feel good about me. Realistically I need to believe in me. I no longer know who I am..the mom, step-mom, the wife, the maid, the cook?? Who am I and what do i want?? I finally know the answer I want to be happy and accepting of who I am. I am so sick of being judged by what i do for a living or what size I am in. Yes folks even people who have had the surgery fall and man do we fall hard. The bad thing is your looked at and judged even harder because you HAD the surgey and failed to meet everyone elses expectations. I am 42 not  at the end of my road I hope and hech I still want and need to feel sexy!! I am going for the change. Not for anyone else but me. One pound at a time one day at a time and one size at a time!! Having the surgery is not the only answer..believing in yourself for who you are is!! So good luck to me and all you and may you have a blessed New year!!


About Me
newport news, VA
Jan 30, 2008
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