Post-Op Day 10:1st Post Op Visit...

Jan 19, 2012

 It went well. I couldn't believe it but I'm down 17lbs already! Amazing! I'm so excited. My doctor said he was proud and that I should keep up the good work. I asked him if this was a fluke, if my stomach was really going to stay this size. He said yes. For me this has been a dream come true. I almost don't trust if because it's like my brain and my stomach are finally working together instead of against one another. I love my T.T. (Tiny Tummy), the name I gave my stomach after the leak test I took in the hospital and saw how small my stomach actually is. I've been saying tiny tummy and shortened it to T.T. . So may the journey continue! Stay tuned as TT and I conquer the evil nemesis FAT-Fat! (LOL)


Juicy Caterpillar to Beautiful Butterfly...The Journey Begins..

Jan 02, 2012

 Greetings! I am Nene and like so many of you I have been battling my weight the majority of my life. I was born premature and stayed small as a toddler up until the time my grandmother passed away. She was my first experience with death and with me being s close to her shortly after her funeral I began a vicious cycle of weight gain that I would battle through adulthood.

Growing up I’ve tried every diet know to man and then some. I had my brief spouts of victory being able to lose weight, only to gain it all back with a vengeance and then some. The smallest I can ever remember weighing was 170lbs but, for my height that is still overweight.

I got married in 2009 weighing in around 217lbs and since then my weight has ballooned to an all time high of 260lbs. Flabbergasted and frustrated I knew I had to do something. I was reaching that point in my marriage were the desire to have children began to tug at my skirt tale and I knew my weight had to change. I didn’t want to pass my bad eating habits to our children nor did I want to be one of those moms that couldn’t keep up because I was just too exhausted from the weight. Not to mention, I didn’t want to get pregnant at my size now and have complications due to the fact that I was so out of shape and heavy.

So with a mother’s heart and an empty womb I began to weigh my options. I knew that I could loose the weight as I had done so many times before but I my recurring struggle was keeping it off. I remembered meeting a lady that I volunteer for and she shared with me her personal story of weight and how with the help of the lap-band she’s been able to loose and keep it off.  This was intriguing to me so I decided to look into it further into weight loss surgery via my own person research online (aka Youtube).

So in April of 2011 I set up an appointment with my doctor and eventually got connect to my local surgery weight-loss center and scheduled to attend a seminar in May. I went and got fired up and set up an appointment the following month with a bariatric surgeon.

Fast forward past, finding out I had to do a 6 month trial for my insurance, plus labs, nutritionist meetings, psych evals, xrays, support group meetings, and final consultations; I now have a surgery date for vertical sleeve gastrectomy for Monday, January 09, 2012.

I am excited, nervous, anxious, and determined to change for a better me. I am looking forward to this new journey I’m about to take. My Husband and I refer to it as my journey as from Juicy caterpillar to Beautiful Butterfly.  

I hope that you will join me on this journey and that we may encourage each other as we take the path that leads to destiny! Friend me, encourage me, share words of wisdom. I am here and ready to listen….


About Me
Portsmouth, VA
Dec 30, 2011
Member Since

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