01/23/04--Happy New Year everyone!!!!! Well, I've lost 109 lbs. 25 more pounds to my goal. I'm in size 12 and getting into some 10s.

I've been going to the gym for the past three or four weeks. I've been trying to tone up. I figure I'll give myself until September when I'll be 18 months out, before I'll turn to a surgeon. I'd like to give myself a fair chance to tighten things up on my own before taking further measures.

This is the first time in my life that I've had such little breasts. They seem to be disappearing right before my eyes. That'll be the first thing I want to get fixed. I don't know if I'll be able to wait until September to have those done!!!!!

People at work have been so supportive of my weight loss. They are constantly telling me how great I look. A few people have commented on how much my attitude has changed since my surgery. I guess when you lighten up (weight) you really lighten up (attitude). Some have been nice enough to bring in their second-hand clothes in for me. They've been wonderful to me. I feel soooo lucky nowadays!!!! There's not much that can ruin my day!!

Well, until next time, see ya'! And take care!!!!! :)

12/09/03--Hi, everyone! Just thought I'd drop a line to let you know how I'm progressing. I am proud to say I am now a member of the century club. I've lost 107# at nine months out. I'm down to 161# from 268#. If I lost 27 more pounds I will have lost half of my body weight. The weight loss is slowing down considerably but it's coming along. I'd like to get down to about 135. I'm in size 14s but those are starting to get kind of lose on me too!!!! I can't wait until I can start shopping for a wardrobe that isn't temporary.
I'm still struggling with my iron and B-12. I guess I've gotten my iron up to 23. That's up 14 points from the last blood draw. My goal is 60, which is the minimum it should be. I do have more energy now but I can just imagine how much energy I'll have once I can get it back to normal! I'm still popping the iron/B12 supplements. They seem to be doing some good.

Life is so good!!!!!! There is nothing more I could ask for at this point. I've gained a lot of confidence in my personal and professional life, I've had my husband's continuous support . . . things are just wonderful in my life all the way around. Life's so bright I've got to wear shades!!!!! :)~

10/22/03--Hello fellow losers and wanna be losers!!! I'm down 95# and doing okay with the exception of my iron and B-12. I now weigh 173# at almost 8 months out. My fat has went from 48% to 34%. I'm fitting into size 14s now. 16s are getting too big on me. My wardrobe is constantly changing. It seems like a constant battle keeping my drawers and closet cleaned out and stocked up.

I guess a normal blood count is suppose to be between 60 and 180. Mine is 9. So, needless to say, I am taking daily iron supplements and having to get B-12 shots once a month. I am feeling soooooo tired lately. It's so hard to get out of bed in the morning!!! I found a new iron supplement at GNC called Iron Complete. It has iron as well as B-12. I feel a little better today, my third day on it, but I am still extremely worn down.

I started going to the gym and lifting weights last week but this week I just don't seem to have the energy to even think about getting there. I sure hope this ends soon!!!!!!

I took motorcycle training in August and bought me a motorcycle about a week later. I love it!!!! My husband just bought one recently, also, and we look forward to riding together in the spring. I have always wanted to drive a motorcycle. Now I have and feel really good doing it.

07/28/03--Hi, everyone! I'm down 73 pounds and doing great! I'm finally under the 200# mark! 195#s and counting!!!! I've went from a size 22 (pushing size 24) to a 18 and fitting into some 16s.

Things are going great at work, too! Everyone has been so supportive and not shy in paying compliments. That really keeps me going. I did get the promotion I interviewed for before my surgery. They called to offer me the position the day after I had my surgery.

I walk one mile twice a day, on my breaks at work. I need to start going to the gym to lift weights. I have a little bit of flabby skin on my triceps I need to start firming up.

My husband seems to be dealing with the new me very well! Sometimes it’s hard to keep him away from me. Not that I don’t want to be near him but everyone needs their space . . . ya’ know???? It’s all good, though!!!!! He always told me he liked full-figured women. His cousin has always referred to him as a “chubby chaser” but he sure isn’t having a problem with the way I look now. Not that I’m not still chubby in places. There’s been a time or two when I’ve thought, “Hey!!!! I thought you liked me the way I was before???????” but I won’t go there . . . I didn’t like me the way I was before . . . that’s what mattered the most . . . now I love me. Looking in the mirror is much easier on the eyes, the heart and the mind!!!!!

06/18/03--I'm down 58 pounds and feeling great!

03/18/03--I know, I know! I have not written in a while. I had my surgery on March 6th and just haven't made the time to update my page. But, I guess, better late than never, huh???

I have done terrific! I have not had any problems whatsoever. I am 12 days out and have lost 15lbs. I had my two week appt today and had my staples taken out. I feel so much better without those pulling!!!!

Sorry to make this short and sweet but I'll update as I make progress. Thanks to everyone who sent messages to my surgery page. Sorry you weren't kept informed on my surgery. My angel fell through, I guess!

Thanks again for all of your love and support!! GOD BLESS!!!!

02/19/03--Well, I had my pre-op testing done today. I came out pretty good. I did find out that I have a heart murmur. The doctor said that would probably clear up once I lost the weight as it is not always a permanent thing. I sure hope so! It just confirms, to me, that this weight is really starting to take its toll on my body! I am getting a little nervous but do know that I have made the right decision to go through with this major life style change. . . I can't wait to get this fat off from my body! I want to find the minime that is hiding inside . . . Well, fourteen days and a wake up call!

By the way, I had my interview for my promotion yesterday and did great! I hope to know the results of that before I go on medical leave. Pray for me and God bless!!!

02/17/03--Hello everyone!! I'm one step closer to my surgery. I had my nutrition class today and a little overwhelmed with information but it's sinking in. I have my pre-op tests on Wednesday. I'm am getting very excited and maybe a little nervous. I'll keep you posted as my date gets nearer and then afterwards! Thanks for all of your support! You don't know how much it means! Really!!

01/28/03--I received a call today. I am scheduled for March 6th! I'm so excited! I feel like a long journey is about to finally come to an end but it is only actually getting started! I'm going to be a loser! Yeah, me!!!!! :)

01/17/03--I received a call today from my surgeon's office wanting to know if I could take a cancellation and have my surgery on 02/05/03. I couldn't believe it. That is only two weeks away.

Unfortunately I had to turn it down out of courtesy to my employer and also because I am going to be interviewing for the position I am filling and I don't want to mess that up. It's a promotion.

But at least I know I am next in line and my employer knows that too now. If they call again, depending on how short notice it is, I am going to have to take the date. It was very hard to turn this one down.

I'll keep you posted and hope everyone had a nice holiday season!!!!

11/27/02--Today I called the insurance company and found out that I have been approved for the surgery. Now I just have to wait to get date!

Now I have another quandry. Last week I was promoted and will be moving to my new office on 12/02/02. We are very low on clerical support so this may affect my plans for surgery. I do not think my employer could make me postpone my surgery but I am willing to be flexible. I like my job and the people I work with/for so I am willing to negotiate a good time for me to be gone for three to six weeks. They have looked out for me so I can look out for them. I just do not want to postpone it if I do not have to so hopefully they can get at least some temporary help in to pick up the slack.

I had planned on taking two weeks off during the holidays but I think I may cancel all of that exept one day just so I keep things up until I have surgery.

It'll all work out somehow for the better! I have faith in that!

11/11/02--Well today they faxed my request and file to Blue Care Network for approval. I am confident that it will approved but I am still keeping my fingers crossed.

It took a little longer than usual for the insurance department to get my consultation transcription back from Dr. Obeid's office so that was the hold up on applying for approval. It was getting frustrating as I have called them once a week for the past three weeks to see if my stuff had been submitted to the insurance company yet. Finally, when I called today, they had sent my stuff in. It actually took three weeks longer than it usually does and I guess they were getting transcriptions back for patients who had their consultation after me, so I was starting to get a little frustrated. But I kept a cool head. It wasn't the insurance department's fault so I didn't take it out on them. They have been absolutely great at giving me information and have not gotten nasty with me for calling them. I guess you could say they were very patient with me as well. I know that must get hard sometimes because other people are probably calling them too, if not more often than once a week.

But, I guess I am used to the waiting by now. The last wait will be for a surgery date, I hope . . . given that my insurance company approves me.

I'll write soon as I find out if it has been approved or denied.

10/23/02--I finally received my psyche evaluation! All is a go!! I have the psychologist's blessing!!!! Yipee! Now all I have to wait for is the insurance company approval. Hopefully that goes quickly. I have heard, from other people, that Blue Care Network is pretty quick on getting an answer back to you on a referral. I have heard anywhere from 3 days to a week.

I have a pretty good support network. My parents are both supportive--worried but supportive. My husband is supportive and my friends are supportive. One is planning on surgery and the other one, at work, has relatives who have had the surgery. I also know someone, from work, who had the surgery on 10/14 and is doing well. I can't wait until she comes back so I can talk to her about her experience!!!

So, that's it for now. I will write again once I get the insurance approval! I know it will be an approval!! The hardest part is going to be the wait for the surgery date. I am hoping to get the surgery before Christmas but, from what I hear from other people in my support group, there is quite a wait. Ya' never know!!!!

10/14/02--Things don't seem to be moving right along anymore! I had my psyche evaluation two weeks ago today and still haven't received the results. Ugh!!! Oh,well! Things have gone pretty smooth until this point. I just have to be patient!!! I'll write again once I find something out.

09/25/02--Well, things are moving right along. I called yesterday to see if the surgeon's office had received my medical records and they have. The only thing needed now is my psyche evaluation which is scheduled for Monday, 9/30/02.

I am still excited but waiting to see if things keep going as smoothly as they have been. It's just too good to be true. . .

09/18/02--I had my consultation with surgeon yesterday! During my visit, my husband and I talked to a dietician and a counselor also. I was very pleased with my surgeon's statistics, his sense of humor, sincerity and honesty. He's done 412 surgeries with no fatalities. I feel like I am in good hands. Thanks to everyone who provided their opinion of Dr. Obeid! I would have still been looking for someone if it weren't for you and this website! Thanks so much!

I do not need any other medical clearances in order to have surgery. All I need is my psyche evaluation and my medical records (which were sent to a copy center on September 11th and will be sent directly to my doctor). So, most of my leg work is over unless something happens to come up.

I am very excited!!! I'll keep you updated!

08/29/02--MORE GREAT NEWS!!! I have a date scheduled for my consultation with the surgeon, dietician and bariatric counselor--September 17th! It wouldn't have happened this soon if I hadn't checked with my PCP's office to see if the referral had been faxed to the surgeon's office.

I am so excited . . . they told me I could start gathering my medical records for the last three years. They also told me that they would refer me to someone for my psych evaluation while I was there on the 17th! Yahoo! I'm on my way!

My Dad asked me what my husband thought of me getting the surgery being my husband favors full-figured women. I told him it didn't matter what my husband thought if he loves me. What matters is my happiness. I need to get out of the depression. I am doing this for me and no one else. The truth is, though, if Mom is happy, everyone in the house is happy! :)~ He He!!! You know what I mean!

Lastnight I asked my husband if he would still love me and be attracted to me if I was 100lbs smaller. He said he would probably love me even more being that I will be able to jog, go hiking, learn to scuba dive, etc. with him and really enjoy it. This made me cry. :( I guess because it makes me realize what I have been missing out on all these years! It's so depressing. I never realized how much so until I started looking into RNY. I guess I have just learned to live with it. . . if that's what you want to call it. I haven't really been living because of the hinderance of my weight.

On a happier note, I'm anxious to hear from my friend's husband today. She is having the RNY procedure today!!! I'm so excited for her!! I can't wait to hear how she's doing and see her results! I prayed for her before I went to sleep last night, this morning while I was getting ready for work and here at work this morning while my computer was booting up. God bless Monica g!!!!

--GREAT NEWS!!!!! I saw my PCP today and she didn't hesitate to refer me to a surgeon. I had made up a binder to put all of the research information I have found in. I have everything divided by topic including a tab for doctor information, pictures, notes, WLS friends and a journal. I'm going to put a title on the cover that reads something like, "My Personal Journey to Weight Loss" or something corny like that.

When I started to discuss my condition with my PCP I lost it and started crying. I just couldn't help it. She ended up putting me on an anti-depressant!!! I've never been on anything like that! I cried all the way home and hugged my 2 1/2 year old as long as she'd let me when I got home. Some day in the not-too-distant-future I will have the energy to play with my kids and go rollerblading, play ball, etc. They deserve it and so do I!!!!

I have some goals I'd like to reach by next summer (and I had these goals before I even thought of WLS). One is to learn how to ride a motorbike. The next is to play on a softball league. I did as a kid and my 50 some year old boss does now. In fact, they won the Women's Softball World Series a couple years ago in Talahassee, Florida. The third is to become a State Trooper. I work for the State and do clerical work right now. I'm tired of sitting on my butt all day. I can't see myself doing it the rest of my life! The only hurdle I could forsee was my weight and now I have a better shot of overcoming that obstacle!

Thank you, GOD!!!!!! Yipee!!! I'm going to finally be free to be me!!!!! To be the me I've always wanted to be!!!!!

08/21/02--I am a 32 year old wife and mother of three, ages 13, 12 and 2 1/2. I am 5'4" and 245 lbs. I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. I remember having stretch marks when I was in Junior High. The lowest weight I have been was 170 and that was back in 1991 when I was 22 years old.

My last honest attempt at weight loss was a healthier diet and exercising at the gym 3 days a week. I lost about 20 pounds but couldn't keep finding the energy to go on. Of course, I regained about 10 pounds of it back so far. I did develop some healthy habits like drinking lots of water and staying away from fast food. When I do go out to eat, I eat mostly salads. I do not drink soda, lots of juice or sweetened drinks. I hate anything with high fructose corn syrup in it. In fact, my stomach rarely sees anything other than green tea, iced tea and water. I can't drink to much caffeine, though, or I'll get sick to my stomach. I do walk my two dogs about three to four times a week. All of this and I am only maintaining instead of losing. My doctor put me on Xenical in November last year. YUK!!!! God was that gross!!!!! Anyone who has been on it knows what I am talking about. If you haven't tried it, don't! Does "uncontrollable bowels" mean anything to you? You need to wear Depends (adult diapers) to stay on that stuff!!!!!

I am starting to have problems with my ankles hurting. My doctor says it is due to my weight. I have also had gestational diabetes during my second pregnancy and diabetes does run in my family. So I guess I am high risk for that.

I see my PCP tomorrow and hope that I will have her support in my quest to lose what I've gained (weight) and gain what I've lost, which is my confidence, self-esteem and freedom.

Wish me luck! I'll update as soon as I find out my doctor's stance!

About Me
Owosso, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
May 2004
Dec 2002

Friends 1
