Well, where to start....I was born a premie, 4lbs 6oz.  Soon became a chubby child, mom said wshe gave me extra vitamins!  Gee thanks mom!  I did lose 60 some pounds thr summer between 8th and 9th grade.  What a life saver, was able to be thin through my highschool and college years, and a year or two into married life until I became pregnant with our first child.  The weight never went away after that.  Twenty pounds off here and there, but always came back toting a few friends.  

I checked into WLS in May of 2004, filled out my packet, and was ready to start the journey.  In September 2004, my husband of 16+ years said he wanted a divorce, life began a tail sprin that lasted for a year or two.  In the Spring of 2005, the divorce was final and it was time to move on, I had lost 30+ pounds during divorce 101.  I purchased a new home under construction and was ready to make a home for myseld and two sons, at the time ages 14 and 10!  The more comfortable and settled I became, the more comfortable the pounds and their friends also became.  
I went to the doctor in January 2008, and he asked if I ever considered WLS, he wanted me to look into it again, he felt the risks were nothing compared to the time bomb I was walking around with, high BP, high cholesteral, GERD, family history of diabetes, kidney failure, and strokes.  I was beside myself, someone was actually on my side, ex blew off my interest 3+ years earlier.  My insurance company even complimented my doctor on his extensive documentation over the years.  I had approval after first submission.  I am currently 250, fully clothed, and want to reach my college weight of 120.  Everyone on the sight is so helpful, I know I will make it through with all of this great support.  I have my physical therapy and dietician visit on Tuesday.  Dr. Edwards say we are just weeks away.  I hope I get a date for surgery soon.  I will keep you posted!

About Me
Reeds Spring, MO
Surgery Date
Mar 22, 2008
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 3
Got final approval today!
Reality is here
my journey
