inspector-girl 18 years, 12 months ago

Good MORNING - and a Happy ONE YEAR Re-birthday to you!!! I found this quote and just love it! When running up a hill, it’s alright to give up as many times as you wish – as long as your feet keep moving. By - Shoma Morita M.D. I can only imagine that your experience has been wonderful. Full of changes and new experiences. Congratulations to YOU!!! If you have an opportunity and/or haven’t already, please stop by and update your profile! We’d all love to know how well you’ve progressed!!! If you have a few moments, please take the time to send well wishes to your fellow “re-birthday” buddies!!! It’s a great boost to them as well as yourself. Have a FANTASTIC DAY! RNY 10/31/03 257/133 at GOAL!!!

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 19 years, 6 months ago

Congrats on making the century club! You've come far! WTG!!!! Hugs & Shalom (May you be blessed in every aspect of your life) Toots

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 19 years, 12 months ago

Welcome to the LOSING SIDE! Yeehaw! Congrats and get well soon! Hugs, Toots

DianneW 19 years, 12 months ago

Hope you have a speedy recovery!

AngelFlyingHappy 19 years, 12 months ago

Howdy neighbor!!!! Just wanted to stop by and wish you a speedy recovery!!! Also, wanted to take a moment to invite you to the Columbia support group meeting. It's the second Thursday of the month, so its next week. I drive there when I get off work in Moberly and its a great group and has lots of Dr. De La Torre's patients there in all stages of the game!

Chas J. 19 years, 12 months ago

congratulations on your surgery. I pray you have a speedy recovery and get to come home soon.

Pixielf~* 19 years, 12 months ago

Dan.... Congratulations on getting through your surgery today! Sending you out speedy healing vibes so you are back on your feet and at full speed in NO time....

BOBOKITTY 19 years, 12 months ago

Wishing you much success on your upcoming surgery.I will keep you in my prayers and if you need to talk or vent, I am here for you. Adrienne

Muncy's 19 years, 12 months ago

Saying a little prayer today for you to have a very speedy recovery. God Bless and Keep you in His Loving Arms, Marsha and Danny

CoolWaterMom 19 years, 12 months ago

Way To Go Dan Your On the Losing Side Now Good Luck Keep Us Posted
About Me
Moberly, MO
Surgery Date
Aug 05, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This is me 2 weeks before surgery. 09/04
140 lbs. GONE !!!.........Pic taken 07/2005
