just taking things day by day

Jul 11, 2008

Hello to everyone, Had a good day, worked my usual 8 hours, bought new mattress set, so nicole and I had to drag it upstairs, then I went out side and mowed the yard, so I feel like I got a workout in. Will try to get somekind of exericise routine going. I have a treadmill and eliptical machine in my bedroom, so I really don't have any excuse, or just as good I can walk outside.
I am so thankful to God for everything that he has done in my life!
Until next time, Have a good weekend!


Jul 10, 2008

7/10/08 10:45pm
Thank you Jesus!!!!! I have been Approved by Med Cost PPO to have the surgery. I called today at lunch time, and was given the wonderful news. It has been a couple days since Dr. Gersin's office submitted the request and I feel truly Blessed to be able to continue this journey. I also would like to say hello and thank you to my First new Friends at this site:blessed17 and Carmie08, it was by reading their blogs and reading about their story that I decided to do a profile and blog. Many Blessing to all out there who have already had the surgery and to those who are still waiting to have their surgery.
Until next time

first time on OH site

Jul 09, 2008

7/9/08 11:15pm

This is my first time on the OH site, I am enjoying all the wonderful information and reading the blogs. I started my WLS journey on tues May 13th 2008 when I went to a Gastric Bypass information seminar at CMC-Mercy. I received a lot of info and after the seminar was ready to begin this journey. A couple of days after the seminar I was contacted by Carolinas Weight and Wellness Center (CWWS) to set up my consult w/Dr.Gersin. I was set up for 5/21 and I was very excited and nervous about the meeting. I  had to weigh in and I can't believe, I repeat ! I can't belive  my weight is 272 lbs 

Before that consult I had decided on the Gastric RNY surgery and told him at the consult that I had made that my choice.  At checkout I was sched for numerous appts.I had a psychological appt., colonoscopy, meeting w/dietician, fitness assement, cardiology consult, appt w/PCP and Sleep Consult. All of dfferent days in the months of May, June and yes July.I am so tired of going to appts. I am still waiting for my breathing study for my sleep part, even though there is nothing wrong with my sleeping. Since my consult in May, I have decided to have the lap-band instead of the RNY due to the fasting recovery period moslty.
I talk to the insurance person at CWWS today and she says she believes my stuff has been since to the insurance for approval I thought I would have to wait until my breathing test came back to make sure I dont have sleep apnea, but I guess not. I will probably check with Medcost tomorrow. I hope and pray it won't take long for the approval process.I know that God is with me every step of the way and I hope to meet some new friends along the way.
Until next time!

About Me
Charlotte, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 09, 2008
Member Since

Friends 35

Latest Blog 33
Just to say hello
the big day has come and went. i didnt have the surgery
tomorrow is the big day
almost there, to the *Big* Day
