Hi there! My name is Melissa and I live in Atlanta, GA.  I have struggled with weight my whole life.  I was always the "fat dancer" and "fat cheerleader"  Due to severe PCOS it took my husband and I 10 years to have a baby.  After 6 cycles of IVF, 3 still borns and many early miscarriages I finally had my baby boy in July 2016 who is the love of my life.

Being 41 and over weight it is very hard to keep up with a 2 year old.  I ache all the time.  I am not active and avoid many social situations despite being extremely fun and out going.  My mom passed away in 2013 one week after her 61st birthday due to NASH disease.  We didn't know she had it until the VERY end where it was caught in end stage liver disease.

Unfortuanetly I too have the start of NASH and have made my mind up to have gastric sleeve surgery.  This has been a HUGE decision for me as I always said I would never have weight loss surgery.  I had always heard so many horror stories I just didn't want to become one.  As embarrassing as it is I spent a year taking my time being tested for surgery and finding the perfect surgeon and on my 17th interview I found him.

My sugery is scheduled for 11/06/2018 and I am here to meet new friends.  To be supported and to support.  To be educated and share my journey.

About Me
Jul 26, 2018
Member Since

Friends 1
