My name is Kristy, and I'm 36 years old.  I am very happily married (12 years) to Darren, and we have two beautiful children:  Drew and Jillian.

I have struggled with my weight my entire life.  After the birth of my children, the weight didn't come off, and I continued to put it on.  I should have taken stock out in WW as many times as I started and stopped.  I just kept writing checks and then kicking myself for failing on another diet.  I've tried Carbohydrate Addict's, Atkins, Dr. Phil, Bob Green, Low Fat, Low Carb, Cabbage, Lipozene, know, the list goes on and on. 

I'm now at my all time high of 292lbs.  I'm 5'11 so I carry my weight farely well, at least that's what I keep telling myself.  Unfortunately, it's a struggle to buckle my seatbelt on airplanes, and I do occasionally travel for work.  I also love to travel with the family.  I will not put myself through the humiliation to ask for an extension, so I try hard to be at the very front of the line so I can get on the plane first and then wedge myself next to the window and work up a sweat trying to buckle my seatbelt before I'm scorned by an attendant.  I hate this! 

Both my parents have been recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, and they have a BMI in the mid-40s.  They have high blood pressure and knee problems.  I don't want that life.  I want to live a very long time, enjoy my family and see the world.

I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with my primary physician, and I'm a little anxious to what his response might be to my wanting to have WLS.  I wonder if he'll refer me or just tell me to follow another diet.  I'll let you know tomorrow.

About Me
Jan 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 1
Start of the WLS Journey 01.15.2007
