Turn Down for What?

Sep 08, 2014

It has been 7 months since my bypass and it has been a bumpy ride. I have to have my gallbladder removed and had two strictures and some ulcers. Don't regret the surgery and hoping to get my issues resolved. I have lost 82 lbs so far and it has been a big change. I still don't know what size I wear, but I am still looking and feeling much better.


Hopefully, once I get all body together I can get the last bit off and work toward maintenance. Overall, the struggle continues


The courage to move forward

Jan 27, 2014

Today I had my first set of pre op appointments and it was surreal to me. Looking back I will probably think my fears and behavior are silly but just sitting and listening to my doctor made me think about my journey with the Lap Band and how different this sequence of events is from that journey. I feel so supported and welcomed at Dr. Halmi's office and I feel like I have a team of people cheering me on. This was so different from 9 years ago during my Lap Band when I felt preached to and condemned for allowing my self to get to this size.

I am very afraid as I think I have been watching too much You ube and hearing the stories about other people's complications. My doctor is very very open to questions and listening to me! What a new experience. Also, reading the forums is helpful in allowing me to really ask my burning questions and get past What if this happens to me?


Looking forward to the other side, knowing that my journey will not be easy but like anything the brighter the rainbow the heavier the rain. #prayingGod'sBlessing  



The Nay-sayers #hatersalwayshaveanopinion

Jan 20, 2014

Today I just finished having lunch with a colleague and I noticed that she was less than supportive. I think that people want to say that you have a personal lacking if you turn to WLS to help you regain your health. Well, I have never gone with the crowd and after watching my mother battle to regain her health after a bout of breast cancer I am MORE than determined to stop taking all the meds I have and to really begin changing my life.  After a long battle with my insurance company and my doctors I am feeling like God is ordering my steps and that I will NOT let anyone influence my decision to change my life and hopefully inspire my mother to regain her health and lose a few pounds as well.


It is not until you have a personal struggle that you begin to develop the conscious that nothing taste as good as skinny feels and that the number on the score does not define you but can influence how you engage your present. I want to move beyond the worries about fitting into chairs, trying to fit into coaching clothes that do not fit, crying in the morning because a student gift does not fit me and I feel like I am letting them down! This past year was hell but I have more than a survivor, I am a champion! WLS is one tool in my toolbox that will allow me to keep winning (#shewon)


Keep the postive affermations (#iamsohot #wishyouwereme #sheiswinning) posted in your car, on your desk, on your phone, and call a friend and wish them a good day. You never know, it could change their day and they could pay if forward.


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 21, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 3
