RebelLady 18 years, 11 months ago

7/9 4:45 pm EST Just spoke with Debbie. Seems in very high spirits. They moved her to a regular room from the surgical floor. She is not in as much pain as yesterday. She might be going home either today or tomorrow. She is "eating" her liquids and starts protein tomorrow. She knows our prayers and well wishes are still with her. ~Judie~

RebelLady 18 years, 11 months ago

Good Afternoon ALL! I visited with Debbie this morning. Her operation was a success! YAY. She said that it felt like someone punched her in the stomach. They did find a hernia in her bellybutton and Dr. Wizman removed it. My visit was approx 45 minutes and she hit the morphine once. She walked a little last night (to the potty). She hopes to be home soon. I printed out all your well wishes (her card)and it out a smile on her face. ~~Judie~~

RebelLady 18 years, 11 months ago

I have become Debbie's Angel by default. De fault of after reading her post I felt like we are kindered spirits. We have the same surgeon and her hospital is closer to me than she lives. I just called the hospital and spoke to her nurse. She has successfully come over to the other side! I plan on seeing her tomorrow. Today I will just let her rest. She is sleeping as I post this. - Judie

RebelLady 18 years, 11 months ago

Debbie, I feel like we are sisters. You have expressed my feelings exactly to a T. I have also done for everyone else but now I am doing for myself! My prayers are with you! I hope we have met by the time you have read this. I hope to have visited you in the hospital. Maybe you can be my Angel. My surgery is 8/1 with Dr. Wizman. To all that read this, I will post what ever info I can find out when I visit Debbie.

RebelLady 18 years, 11 months ago

Debbie, I feel like we are sisters. You have expressed my feelings exactly to a T. I have also done for everyone else but now I am doing for myself! My prayers are with you! I hope we have met by the time you have read this. I hope to have visited you in the hospital. Maybe you can be my Angel. My surgery is 8/1 with Dr. Wizman. To all that read this, I will post what ever info I can find out when I visit Debbie.

debramck 18 years, 11 months ago

My prayers are with you for a safe and speedy surgery and recovery. See ya on the losing side. Debbie

Kelly MzKelz Valdez 18 years, 11 months ago

<b><I>I am checking in to say</I> - <u>FELIZIDADES / CONGRATULATIONS </u><I> - for deciding to take this life-changing step to becoming a more healthier you! I hope everything goes as planned and that you have a speedy recovery. Some words of advice: Please remember to keep positive thoughts at all times. When in doubt – ASK! Keep records of everything, including photos (makes a great scrapbook that you can look back on when you reach goal) and please keep your journal updated because you never know whom you might be helping. You will be in my thoughts. ~ Kelly</b></u>

tasjac0 18 years, 11 months ago

I just want to wish you all the luck on your upcoming surgery.

Carebearette 18 years, 11 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you have surgery. May you have an uneventful procedure and a quick recovery as you enter this exciting phase of the journey to a healthier and happier life.

wynndzofchange 18 years, 11 months ago

Thank you all so much for the encouragement and well wishes! I am very much looking forward to the new direction my life is going to take in a couple of weeks.
About Me
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2004
Member Since
