Bruce Long

"Dr. Long is a 10 in my book!!!!!!!!! 5-19-2002 Ok, I was wrong about Dr Long. He was so sweet before surgery, but then afterwards he turned into Mr. Hyde. I was in the hospital for 5 days due to fever, BP and allergic reaction. Three days after I went home my left legs started hurting in the calf area it went up behind my knee and just burned like the devil. So I called Dr. Long office, he set up a vascular test for the next day. Everything was OK. About a week later I had a swollen spot come up at the top of my incision and I thought I might have a incision infection so I called him again. And he said "Ronda just go to the hospital." But I didn't I just waited because I could tell he was mad at me. Any way I went for my 2 weeks check up and he took my staples out and said everything was OK. Then 3 days after that I woke up, my mouth was so dry I could hardly swollow, I was very dizzy and weak (sitting). I had only peed 2 times the day before and just dribbled a little that morning. I talked to several people on the phone including a Nurse friend of mine and they said it sounds like you are dehyrated, call your doctor. So I did and this is what he said " Ronda, I don't care if you are dehydrated, and unless you are puking your guts out, you are fine, if you call my office everytime you think you are dehydrated you will be calling every FREAKING day. He really hurt my feelings, all I could say was OK. I have my 5 week check up this Wednesday and I don't want to go. You see this doctor has never went over my new eating schedule with me, he has never told me anything. Before surgery I asked him questions and he made me feel like all this would happen after the surgery. I am so discouraged, this is all brand new to me and I don't know which way to go next. And I surely won't call him for anything. You remember the swollen thing at the top of my incision that I mentioned, well since he took my staples out and replaced them with steri-strips( he told me to just let them come off by them selves) since they have come off I have a bubble that looks like a water blister there Ronda Ok guys, It is Dec,1st 2002 and it been slmost 8 months since my surgery. I want to take this time to say that I am sorry that I said all those thing about Dr. Long because since then I have heard that Dr. Long was going through some bad times himself. We all are human and I have forgave him. Please don't think he is a bad surgeon because that is not true. I have been so healthy since my surgery and I fine SOOOOOOOOOOO good. I have lost 101 lbs, I have really slowed down now but I am still losing. I have to have a hernia repaired soon and YES Dr. Long will be the one to do it. Hope this helps. Sorry I havent been on but it seem that everytime I get on I get booted. This has taken me 4 tries to write this. Later, Ronda "
About Me
Hardy, VA
Surgery Date
Jan 18, 2002
Member Since
