Rough Day

Aug 10, 2011

Today I experienced something that Ive never experienced before. I was eating my breakfast this morning (oatmeal & a banana) and as I was eating all of a sudden I got the feeling in my chest like the food was stuck there. So I attempted to stroke my chest like helping it to go down but with no success. Ass of a sudden it became painful I felt as if I needed to burp even had a friend trying to burp me (lol I know sounds funny) but it only made it worse. After 10 mins of pacing the floor in pain with continuous foamy burps I finally vomited. I felt a lot better but still a lil uneasy. I contacted the Bariatic Clinic immediately and spoke with Dietitian she asked if I was eating too fast or if the oatmeal was too thick and I dont think it was either of those things but who knows. So she asked me to take a sip of water of which I did, it went down but made me burp instantly and still a lil discomfort. So she told me to wait 45 min then to have another sip and call her back to let her know what happened so I did and it went down fine. She told me to only do clear liquids and protein shakes (without milk) for the rest of the day and try again tomorrow. She told me that if anything doesn't feel right tomorrow to call and they will get me in right away to have ex-rays done to make sure nothing else is going on! Scary boyfriend is flippin out and now Im kinda scared to eat anything. My friend was thinking it was a hietal hernia I pray its not! So we'll see what happens tomorrow........


About Me
Flint, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 03, 2011
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