1st Follow up with Doc!!

Aug 13, 2009

Hello, OH Family!! Well, today was the big day. I was scheduled to see my doc this afternoon and I was a lil' nervous. I mean, not so much regarding the weightloss, but more because I'm having one heck of a time getting all my PROTEIN in!!! I know, I know, I know!! But it's kinda hard when you're not hungry and nothing appeals to you. But I'll come back to that.

Rose is the nurse who says she will see you in the hospital during your pre-op class. And you know what?? She was there and it comforted me. She's also one of my doctor's former patients. And she looks great!! When I saw here today she told me I looked good and we talked about the protein situation. She gave me some good advice and some smiles to go with it!

As I was in the waiting room, I saw one of my friends who had surgery the same day. She looked good, so I thought. But when I asked her how she was holding up, she just let loose! She also had the Lap RNY and told me that she cannot hold anything down...nothing-not water, not protein, not liquids period! She said yogurt seems to be the only soothing thing that helps her cope and actually stays down. She asked me if I was having the same problem, and I had to say no, because, well, that's the truth. I asked her if she was having any other problems and she said, "Lemme tell you." She went on to say that the smell of food that's cooking for her family drives her a lil' insane. She's tempted and wants it. I told her I must be a kind of "boring" patient because when my husband cooks his own meals (which he has done for us even before I had surgery-he's so good to me) yeah, I can smell it and it smells good. But, it's not something I wanna rush to the kitchen to steal off his plate! LOL! The other day he made his famous TACOS and I mean, I LOVE THOSE TACOS!!! But it's funny, I smelled him cooking but I had this strange sensation inside of me, as if I had already had the usual 4, packed with cheese, onions, and homemade salsa!! The same thing with his burritos...I have no interest. Strange, I know. She told me I was lucky...and I guess I am. I don't think I could truly be happy with my surgery if I couldn't hold anything down. I didn't know what to tell her other than I was here for her. She was seeing the doctor before me, and so her name was called to go to the back. At this point I thanked God for all that he did for me during this time.

Back at the ranch...LOL...I mean in the exam room, I met with my bariatric nurse. She actually had the Lap RNY by my doctor some time ago too and also looks FABULOUS!!! A funny thing happened about a week before my surgery...I saw her at a Chinese Buffet Restaurant!! It was freaking hilarious! Here I was supposed to be on my Pre-Op diet and here she is a RNY veteran, and we are BOTH eating chinese food!! Well, needless to say, I was banking on her not saying anything and I wouldn't say anything either today at my appt...and well, she didn't and I didn't!! LOL

She looked at my surgery incisions and said they looked great! We talked a bit. She told me I could add some cottage cheese, a scrambled egg, and a piece of wheat toast (no butter) to my diet. I was ecstatic!! We talked about the protein situation and also went over when our support group was going to meet. She gave me a prescription for the gallstones (just in case) and another for the B12 Nasal Spray so that I could try it out. And that's it! I left there -21 pounds and I was happy! I go back in 3 weeks.

I love my doctor and his staff. They are so good to their patients. This was a long post, I admit it. But I wouldn't have done them any justice by simply making a long story short. They are worth it because they have taken good care of me and so many others. Above all, they don't deny their struggles with thier weight and remind you that they are not superhuman...You can be successful with WLS if you choose to be. I can't wait to be a before and after photo on their wall!!


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