a long stall or whatever you call it

Jan 07, 2007

Well I didn't lose weight for about three weeks almost four but it has finally returned.  The holidays were hard alot of cheating and alot of people doing nothing but eat, needless to say I am happy to be back home.  I hope I don't hit another stall for awhile it was really hard for me.  My hair has started to come out which sucks but I can deal with it thank goodness I have alot of hair.

Maybe knock on wood the scales are moving again.

Dec 06, 2006

Well as of this morning I offically lost 65 pounds yeah I am so excited to see the scales moving again.  Well maybe good news that my family might get to go home for Christmas I'll keep my fingers crossed that the military says yes we can go.  I found out some disturbing news and I'm not really sure how I should respond to it but here goes a try please no one take offense this is just my opinion.  When I went to Dr. Lords office after everything was said and done I only had to pay $650.00 dollars which at the time I didn't think was bad since then I have found out otherwise.  I am new to the military and I did not know that if we went to a doc that was on are provider list we were not suppost to pay anything per tri care so I know you might be thinking well then why did I have to pay $650.00 well thats what I would like to know as well.  I payed $425.00 on my very first appointment which was suppost to cover the psy. blah blah not really sure what else but I can understand 100.00 dollars being to the psy because that what other around base have had to pay but why did I have to pay the rest of that?  So then on my pre op visit I had to pay 200.00 dollars to the doctors office and then give them another 25.00 dollars for the hospital...I don't know about all this.  Don't get me wrong Dr. Lord is a wonderful surgeon but to even think in my mind that their office might be taking advantage of military dependents that are on active duty really upsets me.  I really hope this is not the case I will keep more posted on the situation as it progresses and like I said this is just my opinion and what happened to  me I know a close friend who didn't have to pay the same as I did so go figure.  By the way in case anyone is thinking I am very grateful for getting to have this surgery done but I don't like being taking advantage of I am such a calm person and I usually get taken advantage of because of that fact but there are two things in life with me that I don't tolerate and that messing with my family or my money (cause it is so scares, I mean my DH is in the military...lol)

The ups and downs

Nov 29, 2006

This weight loss thing has it's ups and downs, around thanksgiving I had to take some pain meds because I hit my head really hard and was hurting I guess because of the pain meds I gained 3 pounds I got really depressed about that then finally on tuesday the weight had gone back down to what I was before the pain meds.  So this week so far I have only lost a pound it starts getting really depressing.  I mean yes I would have never been able to lose the weight without surgery but when you get used to losing and you slow down it kinda gets a little depressing I know why the psy said this was going to be mind over matter.  I start to wonder am I the person this isn't going to work for, oh no I have streched out my stomach... just silly thoughts that rush through my mind.  Okay another thing I have to say out loud is I can't understand how some people can act like they do exactly what there suppost to be doing dieting and drinking and so on because if they are so good and following rules why did they need the surgery to begin with?  I mean I am not a good dieter before so it's not like WLS is going to change that, I just don't get why some people act like the surgery changes your mind because it doesn't the cravings are still there.  Like I think I will die if I can never have any juices or coke products again I can't live on water or crystak light forever if I could I wouldn't have been this fat to begin with.  Okay sorry had to get that off my chest.


Nov 22, 2006

Well I wanted to write a shirt blog to say what I am thankful for so here goes.  I am thankful for my family, my health and my families, my weight loss, food, home, material things, and for people who love me.  I am down from 307 to 249.5 and I am two months out not to bad at all considering that I did have two surgeries back to back.  Today is thanksgiving and it has offically been a year since my family and I have lived in Florida I kinda wish I could have went home for the holidays but as the air force has it we can't.  The holidays always make you miss your home and family especially when your far away.  I am still having some stomach pain but I have started walking again I really hope when all is said and done that I will be able to reach my goal of 150 pounds.  Good news to report is that I am no longer knock on wood throwing up it has been three weeks since my last episode and I could be happier.  So to anyone who reads this happy holidays and god bless.


Nov 05, 2006

Well I am home now from my second surgery, only six weeks after the gastric bypass.  It was the only time my mother could come down and watch my daughter for me.  I had the surgery on Halloween and stayed in the hospital for four days I am glad to say now that I am at home and recovering as to be expected.  This surgery is a lot more intense than the gastric bypass.  I am no sure if they put gas in me or what but I came out weighing more than when I went in.  I am down 42.5 pounds now and after the gas goes away I hope to be down further on the scales.  Thanks to everyone who wished me well.

Beginning to see results finally

Oct 23, 2006

Well finally after a month and a couple of days I am starting to see some results.  Especially in my stomach, I have stretch marks from my daughter and they are getting closer together.  I was so happy this morning when I woke up and went to weigh myself it actually started to sink in that I"m losing weight.  I started off at pre op weighing in at 307 and this morning I am down to 269.5 and I thought to myself umm this weight loss surgery must really be working.  Needless to say most of my clothes still fit but the were getting really tight before I had surgery and now they are comfortable to wear.  My rings don't fit anymore so I have to wait until I am skinner so I can wear them on another finger.  I understand why people say there are certain foods you won't be able to tolerate anymore I mean one day you can eat tuna and the next day it makes you sick, go figure.  I think my weight loss might be like the people who lose really good for two weeks then stop then start again, oh well I don't care I'm just thankful I am losing at all.

One month post op

Oct 18, 2006

I am offically one month out now and things are up and down.  Tommorow I will post my new measurements.  I hope there is a big difference.  I am feeling a whole lot better now from the cold and throwing up.  I went walking tonight with Rachael and we walked about a mile so that was good I can't wait until I can start doing some really strenous work outs.


Oct 16, 2006

Ok well here goes my first blog.  I am sick I have a cold or something but it is causes me to throw up and go to the bathroom alot to do number two.  I think I might be low on liquids because it has been hard for me to drink or eat.  I feel so dizzy and light headed I hope I get better soon, I'm not sure if I should call the doctors office or not.  Wish me luck.

About Me
Eglin AFB, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 11, 2006
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 8
a long stall or whatever you call it
Maybe knock on wood the scales are moving again.
The ups and downs
Beginning to see results finally
One month post op
