What's a Greenfield Filter?

   — Gloria K. (posted on February 8, 2002)

February 8, 2002
Gloria, I have a Greenfield fliter and it saved my life! I had two blood clots form behine my knees all the way up into my groin and abdomon. My surgeon had the foresite to have a filter put in me prior to surgery. I had 3 doctors tell me that it saved my life. It allows blood to flow through but not a clot. The insert it either in your neck or groin up into your lung area. You never know it's there. There is all the info you need at this web site:......
   — Phiddy B.

February 8, 2002
A greenfield filter is a device that is inserted into your vena cava that prevents large blood clots from going to your lungs. If you have a history of pulmonary problems, it might be a good idea for you. I have having one inserted prior to my surgery.
   — JoanneML

February 8, 2002
Greenfield is a brand name for a little metal net/filter placed in one's vena cava- it catches blood clots before they can move to create havoc in one's lungs, heart, or brain. having one placesd is like a half-day admission (mine was) and it is no big deal and a great protection for someone who is prone to clots- go for it- you won't be sorry , and it can save your life!
   — jomu

February 8, 2002
Now that you know what a Greenfield Filter is, here is something that everyone neglects to tell you. If you are prone to blood clots, such as having one of the genetic blood clotting disorders like Factor V Laden or Protein C or S Deficiency, the Greenfield Filter can actually cause blood clots at a later date. Once they are inserted, they do not come back out! I have the blood clotting disorder known as Protein C Deficeincy and both my PCP and my WL surgeon advised against the Greenfield Filter for this reason. I had surgery on November 5, 2001 and I did not have any complications. I stopped taking my daily dose of 7.5 mg of coumadin 2 days prior to surgery, was on heprin and back on coumadin post-op while in the hospital and then 5 days of Lovanox injections at home. Lovanox and Heprin are blood thinners as is Coumadin. I just made sure I walked a lot post-op while I was recovering. If you are prone to blood clots and are considering a Greenfield Filter, do the research and talk to your Doctors about it.
   — Susan M.

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