Type I Diabetes Only Please!!!

I have a friend who would love to have this surgery, but she has Type I Diabetes and we are only able to find responses from people with Type II Diabetes... If anyone out there has had this surgery and has/had Type I Diabetes, if you could give us a bit of your story we would greatly appreciate it!!!    — Kellie Jo B. (posted on March 6, 2002)

March 6, 2002
As someone who has run on-line Diabetic Support groups, I can help even though I'm a type 2. The reason that more type 2s have this than type 1s is that type 2s do produce some insulin. The amount of food being converted by the body into glucose and entereing the blood stream can be dreastically altered by WLS and therefore help the type 2 who is producing their own insulin to maintain blood glucose level at a more normal level. Also, as the weight is lost, the type 2 will be able to maintain their diabetes at a normal level through conventional diet & exercise. A type 1 diabetic would only consider the surgery if needing to loose weight, they would still require insulin injections and have to monitor their diabetes as they currently are. What you friend needs to consider is if she is really a type 1, or a type 2 who needs insulin injections to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Many type 2s eventually need insulin as their body will produce less and less or no insulin at all. A good endocrinologist can run the proper tests to determine if she is a type 1 or an insulin-dependant type 2, and more importantly, if in the case that she is a type 2, can the WLS help her to not only gain better control of her diabetes, but reduce the amount of insulin needed. Very few type 1s are obese, which is why there is very little information available to you. Many of the type 2s, can help with questions and control as we have been on insulin and off our meds right before and after surgery. My WLS experience was great---I was off all my pills before the surgery, and still have the one vial of insulin in the fridge incase I go over 200---in fact I better check to see if it is still good, it's been there unopened for over 6 momths!
   — Sue F.

March 7, 2002
I have received an email from Kellie and her friend definitely does have Type I diabetes. Her friend and I actually both live in the same area, so I'm hoping we can get together. Any other people with Type I diabetes, we would LOVE to hear from you.
   — garw

September 10, 2004
I have been a type I diabetic since the age of 11. I have always been overweight also. In fact, my doctor told my mother when I was 8 that I would diabetic or dead by the time I was 15 if I didn't lose weight. When I was diagnosed I lost alot of weight for about 3 years. Then it came back plus some. I am now 29 and 240lbs. I am seriously considering WLS. I know my insurance approves the surgery Type II diabetics, but I don't know if they approve type I diabetics. This is the first reference to Type I diabetes and WLS that I have come across. I too would like any information that people have regarding Type I diabetes and WLS.
   — beebee

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