Hi, I am 1 year post-op

Hi, I am 1 year post-op as of today and i have been having a real hard time. so far I have lost 130 lbs. According to my doctors scales. My problem is , I can eat sweets and I can eat alot more. I want to lose 30 more lbs. before my lower body lift w/abdomnioplasty, but I cant get away from the sweets. I have gained and lost the same 10 lbs. for about 3 months now. Once I start eating chocolate I dont stop until I get lightheaded or start feeling sick. Can anyone help?    — lynbaby B. (posted on April 12, 2002)

April 12, 2002
If you crave chocolate , why not eat sugarfree chocolate? I do that , it tastes good and I never crave more. I think it is the sugar begets sugar thing with me.
   — Rose A.

April 12, 2002
I agree with Rose. I have sugar free too, but you still can feel bad. But it is very good and expensive so the cost helps the habit!
   — hklang70

April 12, 2002
It doesnt sound like it is the sugar and chocolate that is the problem. It sounds like your old obsessive habits pooping up on you! Sounds like you need to try to keep those demons at bay like the rest of us!! When he screams "Chocolate" in the night, you have to say "No" with the same conviction. On a lighter note... WOW...130 lbs. You should be throwing yourself a party every night!!!! How Amazing!!! Don't kick yourself for the 10 lbs you havent lost, compliment yourself everyday for the 130 lbs you have lost!!! You sound like a really strong person and I am sure that if you can muster up the spirit to even have the surgery in the first place (ie Congratulations), then you are smart and strong enough to modify the sugar kick. ( trust me it aint easy). Good Luck to you! I dont mean to offend, but I wanted to ask you if you are a southerner? I am, just wanted to know?
   — Tara J.

April 12, 2002
You donr' say how much protein supp you are getting, but cutting out incidental sugars (milk, applesauce, fruit juices) and increasing your protein supp (no milk, no sugars) will cut your cravings drastically AND put you back in the driver's seat.
   — vitalady

April 12, 2002
You don't say how much protein supp you are getting, but cutting out incidental sugars (milk, applesauce, fruit juices) and increasing your protein supp (no milk, no sugars) will cut your cravings drastically AND put you back in the driver's seat.
   — vitalady

April 12, 2002
It is easier to stay stopped than try to stop. I am a food addict and chocolate is one of my binge foods. Sugar is dangerous and as you continue to eat it, the more your body will build up a tolerance and you will stop dumping. I had to reset my dump o meter by giving up sugar all together and as Michelle said, up the protein big time. I got rid of the sugars we normally consider bad such as candy, ice cream (sf and regular due to lactose) and also gave up alot of fruits, white starches, milk and tuber veggies. By doing this, eating protein first then veggies, I reset the dump o meter and now dump the way I did waaaaaaaay back as a new post op when I inadvertantly eat something with sugar...Rita rny 3/31/94 463/190ish
   — vt_rita

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