Will Glucophage help my weight loss?

I was on glucophage for my PCOS prior to WLS, but I stopped it a few months before my Lap RNY (I didn't stop for any reason except I was a doofus & stopped taking my pills!). My question is that I seem to lose slow & I'm wondering if PCOS could be part of the problem & if so would going back on Glucophage help? Has anyone started Glucophage after WLS & then started to see better results in their weight loss? Thanks!!    — Binxalways (posted on July 29, 2002)

July 29, 2002
I don't have PCOD or insulin resistance but did speak to my surgeon about this because my daughter has both conditions. He said that he sees people with insulin resistance (common if you have PCOD-tested by blood) will lose some after WLS and then stop (typically, of course not everyone is the same)They start them on Glucophage and it kicks starts the weight loss again. On the other hand, my daughter was on Glucophage for about a month (didn't have wls) and she didn't lose any weight on the drug, perhaps she needed a higher dose or longer time, but she is 17 and talking with her doctor, I decided this isn't something I want her to be on just yet.
   — ZZ S.

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