If no response after 30 days, does it mean I automatically win?

In my summary handbook this surgery is a written exclusion, however there is a procedure to the appeal process. I am on 2nd of 3rd step. Summary handbook says you will receive a response in 30 days. 30days have passed-no response. Does that mean I automatically win?    — csamuelson (posted on October 20, 2002)

October 20, 2002
"win" as in - will you get your surgery paid for? In my honest opinion, I don't think so. They'll say it's 30 working days or 30 working days since receipt of notice or 20 other excuses they can come up with. Insurance companies are a trip - they can make or break your fate for surgery if a cash option isn't possible for happening. I fought mine for a year. I hope things go better for you than they did for me. I had my surgery in April of this year but it was with no help from my insurance company.
   — Lisa J.

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