My stomach is Gone????

My gastrointerologist informed me that my stomach was the size of an egg has not streatch, and that my surgeon did a terrific job, But he said that the other half my stomach was gone.... This kind of scared me... To think that my stomach is not there ... is this normal???? Also does this mean that I'll never gain this weight again.. I hope so...Give me some answers please 14mos post...120 pounds lost    — Rebe W. (posted on December 24, 2002)

December 24, 2002
Did you have DS? The duodenal switch does remove a large portion of your stomach removed. The occurance of weight regain with DS is very minimal. I am glad everything looks good!
   — Stephanie B.

December 24, 2002
Time to get a copy of your op report & start your personal file. If you see the word "gastrectomy", then yes, some is missing. Mine reads "subtotal partial gastrectomy", meaning they took a hunk, not all. My choice, BTW, based on my past, not to do with WLS.
   — vitalady

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