I am one week post full abdominoplasty and I am so swollen when will it go down?

I am one week post full abdominoplasty and my waist is bigger than it was before hand! Granted my pannus is now gone, but my pants don't fit now because of the larger waist! My drains were removed four days post op because there was little drainage. I am getting around fine and even went shopping by myself at the mall today. I can't stand up perfectly straight, but almost. I still feel pretty puffy... will the swelling eventually go down and how long will it take? Will my tummy eventually be flat??? Please help I am really obsessing about this! Any advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!    — Virginia N. (posted on December 27, 2002)

December 27, 2002
I am still pre-op but here is a great post TT message board, maybe if you don't get the answer your looking for here you can check this site out. Hope this helps...
   — Merry I.

December 27, 2002
I am five weeks post-op abdomnioplasty. I am still swollen, and have been told that the swelling can last a few months, even up to six months for some. I can wear the pants I wore post-op, but hopefully that will get better soon. Be patient, let your body heal. The swelling is normal. Try not to eat food that is salty, try to drink alot of fluids, and if your doctor has told you to...make sure you wear the compression garment or girdle as this helps the swelling.
   — twenc

December 27, 2002
my waidst was 31 before sssurgery 34.5 1 weeks PO i am 6 weeks now and it is yes the swelling goes down..aand you will look flat...i admire your spunk (mall and all) but dont over do it...heck my PS did not want me standing fully erect till 7 days PO so as not to add stress to the insicion (n0 extrnal stiches whatso eveer... be very caautious he siad over doing it and standing stright to soon can thicken (widen your scar!) bekka
   — bekka K.

December 27, 2002
Here's another great site for TT's:
   — Leslie F.

December 30, 2002
Give it another 2 to 3 weeks and you will see a HUGE difference. Remember, they pump you full of fluids plus you probably still have a drain tube and those things make a difference.
   — Patty H.

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