My doctor has just informed me that I need to set up an appointment to

get iron intravenously. I have been taking iron supplements for the past 18 months, but continue to be anemic, constipated and have severe abdominal pain. Has anyone had to get their iron intravenously? Were there any problems? Anything I should be aware of?? Thanks in advance!    — Debbi C. (posted on May 6, 2003)

May 6, 2003
Debbi, I haven't had to take iron at all except for what is in my prenatal vitamins. But, my former boss, who had gastric banding had to have IV iron every three months. She went in every day for a week and then had to repeat if about every three months. She was terrible anemic but didn't eat right and I doubt she ever took a vitamin. She lived on Cokes and chocolate candy and ice cream. Good luck to you - don't worry about the iron - it will help you.
   — Patty_Butler

May 6, 2003
I've not had to be fed iron IV. I've known peopel who did, though. What kind of iron have you been taking all this time? If it hurts your tummy, causes constipation and you're becoming more anemic, I'm guessing it was ferrous SULFATE? Once they puff you back up IV, though, you might want to consider an iron you can absorb and maybe be able to hold yourself back up at that time?
   — vitalady

September 12, 2004
I just started IV iron infusions this past week. I need to get them weekly for 8 weeks and then be watched to see when I will need them again. I had tried several different oral irons but the hemotologist said I was not able to absorb any. My Hgb was 8.5.
   — kristis

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