Has any one needed a face lift?

I have seen people post on plastic surgery for tummy tuck and breast reconstruction but never have I seen a post about a face lift I am one year post-op and have lost 102 lb. I can cover up my tummy and boobs but not my face. I feel great about myself except I have turned in to a party animal. I have bulldog cheeks and a large turkey neck. I am going to see two different plastic surgeons next week about getting a face life. Has anyone ever had a face lift after surgery and was it painful and how much was the costs also I,m looking for pictures associated with face lift. I have appointments in South Bend In. and Kzoo Mi. If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated thanks.    — charanewme (posted on June 5, 2003)

June 5, 2003
I to have a turkey neck and feel great about myself as well. I would like to know if anyone has had neck lift or face lift after weight loss.
   — Jeana S.

June 5, 2003
OK, let's tell the truth...nobody NEEDS a facelift...and I definitely want one. I have jowls like a coonhound and a turkey wattle under my chin. But, in the big scheme of things, I am going to wait another 5 years and have one when I am fifty and REALLY need one. Have fun!!!
   — merri B.

June 5, 2003
You may want to wait awhile. I looked terrible at 12 - 18 months post-op. I even posted a question about it. People were telling me how gaunt, old, etc I looked. I'm now 22 months post-op, and my face looks MUCH better. Everyone told me to hang in there, and they were right. I still could probably use a little nip and tuck, but not like before. Your face will change over the next year, even if your weight doesn't, so I would wait until it was done changing and then evaluate what you still need done. "Wrinkle creams" have really helped the lines on my face and neck too. Getting something done this early might result in something you don't like later as your face is still "adjusting".
   — mom2jtx3

June 5, 2003
i had a necklift 2 years after i lost my weight because it was terrible and i am in my early 40's and wanted to enjoy my weightloss, but i felt like i couldn't totally be happy looking like a 65 year old. do what you think is best for you.
   — Julie B.

June 5, 2003
WAIT! Wait for at least three years after surgery to do any nips, tucks or lifts... any plastic surgery. Your body is changing so rapidly, you will be surprised! My surgeon says to wait, and I am going to wait. I have a turkey waddle, sharpai puppy arms, inner thighs, belly and boobs (yeah... right... no boobs left! LOL!! Love it!). I really feel like a sharpai puppy sometimes, but I can wait. My skin is tightening with exercise and time. Put a hold on pain and work your way through this until you have given your skin time to catch up with your weight loss. You may not ever have to have plastic surgery! Not having to go through all that pain, pills, and suffering is worth the wait to me. Now, I WILL have plastic surgery if two more years from now I am still a sharpai puppy! LOL!! But at least I will know I gave it my best shot, first! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

February 23, 2004
Yes, I have my face "done". I got a neck lift, cheek lift and brow lift. I am only 2 weeks post op, but I can see a HUGE difference...about 15 years!
   — MTS B.

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