Has anyone experienced full body muscle pain post-op?

I'm 4 1/2 weeks post-opt. For the past few days I have been experiencing muscular pain that starts from my back and radiates down my legs to my ankles. It feels like my muscles and being pulled. Sleeping is very uncomfortable because it's constant pain in both legs. Any suggestions? Thanks.    — Mary P. (posted on September 24, 2003)

September 24, 2003
Mary, have your back checked out by an orthopedist. I am not a Doc, but the pain you describe sounds like sciatica. It's not dangerous, but it is very painful!! I suffered from it post op. We (ortho and I) determined that I had the problem pre-op but that it didn't bother until post op because I didn't move around much pre-op. Now I am constantly moving. I have had 2 epidural's now (not like when you have a baby-they are different) and I feel fantastic. I am not up all night anymore in pain. Best wishes-
   — M B.

September 24, 2003
mary, i had the same identical muscle pain.i remember i asked the surgeon about it. he said it was from the medication during surgery plus the difference in eating. you need more protien not enough drains it from muscles and more water to wash muscles of lactic acid.have you ever went to a masso-ther they tell you to drink extra water to wash muscles or they will be sore the next day.dont worry it will be gone soon and you will have new pains--like clothes to big,what kind of protien drink to have next,should you get a different hair style to hide bald wish you luck and happiness with your new life.
   — patty L.

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