Need to talk with someone who had valve replacement prior to WLS

Hi, I had my surgery in June, but have a friend at work who is very interested in surgery as well. She is afraid that they won't accept her as a patient because she had a heart valve replaced last year (I think from damage from Rhematic Feaver as a child). She also suffers from sever back pain and is diabetic and a few other problems. She would like to hear from people who have had a valve replacement BEFORE they had WLS. I think her BMI is in the 35-40 range so co-mobidities are a key factor for her. If you would be interested in talking with her please email me. She doesn't have a computer at home so (eeekk!!!) this may turn into a real live phone conversation!! I've heard that some people still communicate by telephone. Thanks in advance for your help.    — Kathy J. (posted on October 10, 2003)

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