I had my drain removed on Sept 7. Dr. Richardson said it should close about 1 week.

I don't think it looks right and it isn't closed either. Can anyone tell me what their drain hole looked like for how long after the drain was removed?    — chelle_0608 (posted on September 13, 2004)

September 13, 2004
I had 7 JP drains after my surgery, and they all closed up very quickly after the drain tube was removed. There was some leakage for a couple of hours, but two changes of a dressing, and they were closed over by the next day. They leave a small round dark scarp. The scars are even fading now two months out. A week seems like a long time to close. Is the area red or pussy? Are you draining any fluid or blood from it? If so, get attention. What about it doesn't look right? If in doubt, call the surgeon.
   — Vespa R.

September 13, 2004
My JP "looked" closed almost immediately, but it was a flap over a hole. Definitely close completely within a week. I had a pigtail drain in that left a bigger hold and took longer to close. That one had lots of discharge but my visiting nurses checked it twice a day and said as long as the output wasn't cloudy, it would be okay. All turned out as they said it would. Good luck, and call your doctor if your still unsure about yours.
   — Esse

September 13, 2004
After my plastic surgery when my drain was removed, the doc said to put bactroban ointment on it and keep it covered for a couple of days, and it would finally scab over. Of course after a shower it gets soft. Is there bright redness area getting bigger or do you have a fever? a small amount of redness is normal, and maybe alittle drainage, just so there is no fever or fowl smell you should be ok, but if your concerned call the doc. Good luck.
   — wizz40

September 13, 2004
I too had Dr. Richardson. I think he did a wonderful job. My drain hole took over a month to finally close up. It stayed red around the edges and developed a thick yellowish matter in the center. I kept it covered for a month and when the drainage slowed I uncovered it at night. I thought it was never going to close up. At one point about 5 weeks out it got a little purple around it and even had a little bloody leakage. Doc told me that everyone heals at a different rate so I didn't worry and it closed up just fine.
   — boonikki29

September 13, 2004
I also had Dr. Richardson. He said that it could take a few weeks for the drain hole to close up completely. My hole scabbed up completely by two weeks after drain removal, but it took longer for it to become a scar. He told me that once it was crusted over, it was okay to swim and to leave it UNCOVERED. Remember, these things heal from inside out, so the skin layer will be the last to heal.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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